IADoP's Interstellar Administration Report

Date of this report:  Sun  6 Nov 11
Date of last report:  Sun 23 Oct 11

Recent events (UTC)
Sun 16 Oct 21:34:41  Murphy assumes Registrar
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  Murphy assumes IADoP
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  Murphy elected Conductor
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  Arkady English elected Promotor and Rulekeepor
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  Herald election resolved with no winner
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  scshunt elected Ambassador
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  Murphy initiates elections for Herald, IADoP,
                       Promotor, Registrar, and Rulekeepor; nominates
                       omd for Rulekeepor
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  Murphy is implicitly nominated and accepts for
                       IADoP and Registrar
Sun 16 Oct 22:09:24  Arkady English is implicitly nominated and accepts
                       for Promotor and Rulekeepor
Sun 16 Oct 22:16:15  scshunt nominates emself for Promotor
Sun 16 Oct 22:57:30  Murphy initiates election for Scorekeepor, Walker
                       is implicitly nominated and accepts
Mon 17 Oct 22:29:24  Murphy explicitly nominates Arkady English for
Thu 20 Oct 11:49:34  Wooble nominates emself for Promotor
Thu 20 Oct 22:09:24  Nominations close for Herald, IADoP, Promotor,
                       Registrar, and Rulekeepor
Thu 20 Oct 22:57:30  Nominations close for Scorekeepor
Thu 20 Oct 23:18:27  G. nominates emself for Herald (ineffective,
                       nomination period already ended)
Fri 21 Oct 01:48:32  Herald election ends with no candidates
Fri 21 Oct 01:48:32  Elections for IADoP, Registrar, Rulekeepor, and
                       Scorekeepor resolved (ineffective, wrong lists
                       of candidates)
Fri 21 Oct 01:48:32  Murphy initiates election for Herald, nominates G.,
                       G. is implicitly nominated and accepts
Fri 21 Oct 01:48:32  Voting begins for Promotor (ineffective, wrong
                       list of candidates)
Fri 21 Oct 02:06:52  Voting begins for Promotor (ineffective, wrong
                       list of candidates)
Fri 21 Oct 14:39:01  Murphy is elected IADoP and Registrar
Fri 21 Oct 14:39:01  Arkady English is elected Rulekeepor
Fri 21 Oct 14:39:01  Walker is elected Scorekeepor
Fri 21 Oct 14:39:01  Voting begins for Promotor (Arkady English,
                       scshunt, Wooble)
Fri 21 Oct 15:11:39  G. explicitly accepts eir nomination for Herald
Sun 23 Oct 17:27:24  Pavitra assumes, then resigns Herald
Sun 23 Oct 18:08:07  G. assumes Herald
----- time of last report -----
Mon 24 Oct 00:44:30  omd, scshunt, Pavitra, Roujo, and Murphy initiate
                       election for Rulekeepor; Arkady English is
                       implicitly nominated and accepts
Mon 24 Oct 00:44:30  Murphy nominates omd for Rulekeepor
Mon 24 Oct 02:27:16  omd accepts eir nomination for Rulekeepor
Tue 25 Oct 01:48:32  Nominations close for Herald
Wed 26 Oct 02:27:33  G. is elected Herald
Wed 26 Oct 14:39:01  Voting for Promotor is extended
Thu 27 Oct 15:49:49  scshunt is elected Promotor
Fri 28 Oct 00:44:30  Nominations close for Rulekeepor
Mon 31 Oct 22:11:57  Voting begins for Rulekeepor (Arkady English, omd)
Sat  5 Nov 22:11:57  Voting ends for Rulekeepor
Sun  6 Nov 18:18:51  Scorekeepor repealed by Proposal 7131
Sun  6 Nov 18:36:19  omd is elected Rulekeepor
----- future events -----




Office         Holder     Since       Election*  Assumption
Ambassador     scshunt    21 Sep 11   21 Sep 11  Postulated
Assessor       Murphy      5 Mar 11   10 Mar 11  Postulated
Conductor      Murphy     16 Oct 11    5 Aug 11  Postulated
CotC           Murphy     23 Jan 08    7 Jan 11  Postulated
Herald         G.         23 Oct 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated
Horton         Pavitra     5 Jul 11    4 Jul 11  Postulated
IADoP          Murphy     16 Oct 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated
Promotor       scshunt    27 Oct 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated
Registrar      Murphy     16 Oct 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated
Rulekeepor     omd         6 Nov 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated
Speaker        Murphy      1 Sep 11   <imposed>  <imposed>

* - date on which most recent nomination period began


Office       Duty
Assessor     Voting results
CotC         Cases, Judges


Office       Duty                   Most recent
Assessor     Speed, Voting Report~  Sun  6 Nov 18:29:35
CotC         Docket~                Sun  6 Nov 18:45:02
Horton       Promises               Sat  5 Nov 19:35:56
IADoP        Offices                <as of this message>
Promotor     Proposal Pool         *Wed 19 Oct 11:51:33
Promotor     Proposal Distribution  Mon 31 Oct 08:53:44
Registrar    Players, Fora          Sun  6 Nov 18:31:13
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset *Thu  1 Sep 11:21:59

* - overdue
~ - unofficial


Office       Duty                   Most recent
Herald       Patent Titles          Wed 26 Oct 15:20:41
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset   Thu  1 Sep 11:22:22

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