IADoP's Interstellar Administration Report

Date of this report:  Tue 24 Jan 12
Date of last report:  Wed 11 Jan 12

Recent events (UTC)
Sat  5 Nov 22:11:57  Voting ends for Rulekeepor
Sun  6 Nov 18:18:51  Scorekeepor repealed by Proposal 7131
Sun  6 Nov 18:36:19  omd is elected Rulekeepor
Sat 19 Nov 05:56:31  Proposal 7136 repeals Conductor
Tue 10 Jan 03:50:05  scshunt resigns as Ambassador and Promotor
----- time of last report -----
Wed 11 Jan 03:55:37  omd assumes Promotor
Wed 11 Jan 04:25:42  Murphy initiates election for Ambassador;
                       nominates ais523, omd, Pavitra
Wed 11 Jan 04:25:42  Murphy initiates election for Promotor; omd is
                       implicitly a candidate
Wed 11 Jan 07:48:49  Pavitra declines Ambassador
Sun 15 Jan 04:25:42  Nominations close for Ambassador and Promotor
Sun 22 Jan 06:20:37  Pavitra resigns Horton
Sun 22 Jan 21:28:40  441344 initiates election for Horton, nominates
                       emself (and implicitly accepts)
Tue 24 Jan 08:50:07  Ambassador election ends with no candidates
Tue 24 Jan 08:50:07  omd is elected Promotor
----- future events -----
Thu 26 Jan 21:28:40  Nominations will close for Horton


         Initiated:  Sun 22 Jan 21:28:40
          Nominees:  441344
End of nominations:  Thu 26 Jan 21:28:40
        Candidates:  441344
   Start of voting:
     End of voting:


Office         Holder     Since       Election*  Assumption
Ambassador     (vacant)   10 Jan 12   11 Jan 12  Assumed    ~
Assessor       Murphy      5 Mar 11   10 Mar 11  Postulated ~
CotC           Murphy     23 Jan 08    7 Jan 11  Postulated ~
Herald         G.         23 Oct 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated ~
Horton         (vacant)   22 Jan 12    4 Jul 11  Postulated ~
IADoP          Murphy     16 Oct 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated ~
Promotor       omd        11 Jan 12   11 Jan 12  Postulated
Registrar      Murphy     16 Oct 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated ~
Rulekeepor     omd         6 Nov 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated ~
Speaker        Murphy      1 Sep 11   <imposed>  <imposed>

* - date on which most recent nomination period began
~ - any player can initiate election by announcement (Rule 2154)


Office       Duty
Assessor     Voting results
CotC         Cases, Judges


Office       Duty                   Most recent
Assessor     Speed, Voting Report~  Tue 24 Jan 09:03:49
CotC         Docket~                Tue 24 Jan 09:00:21
Horton       Promises               Sun 22 Jan 06:17:58
IADoP        Offices                <as of this message>
Promotor     Proposal Pool         *Wed 11 Jan 03:56:14
Promotor     Proposal Distribution *Wed 11 Jan 03:56:14
Registrar    Players, Fora          Tue 24 Jan 09:02:00
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset  Thu 19 Jan 20:34:01

* - overdue
~ - unofficial


Office       Duty                   Most recent
Herald       Patent Titles         *Wed 30 Nov 17:05:05
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset   Thu  5 Jan 20:34:01

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