Recent activity:
[All times are UTC.]
24 Jan 21:17 : Pavitra cashes {3146 DEPENDS 3143}

Promises currently existing:

Title: Anyone Can Mislead The Leader
Author: FKA441344
Owner: Tree
 The president has taunted the police, and at least 30 days have passed
 since the president last taunted the police
 I submit a proposal with adoption index 2 and title
 {Anyone Can Mislead The Leader}
 and text
  Amend Rule 2326 by replacing the text
   A first-class Player CAN cause the President to take actions Without
   Objection, or with Agoran Consent.
   A first-class Player CAN cause the President to take actions that are
   not otherwise IMPOSSIBLE, Without Objection, or with Agoran Consent.
   Causing the President to perform ILLEGAL actions in this manner is the
   Class-6 crime of Misleading the Leader.

 I submit a proposal with title {Supporting Crime Is Criminal} and text
  Enact a rule with title {Supporting Crime Is Criminal} and text
    If an action performed with N Support or with Agoran Consent is a
    Class-M Crime, supporting that action is the Class-(M-1) Crime of
    Supporting Crime.
Quantity: 2
Title: (2011-08-13 omd)
Author: omd
Owners: scshunt (1), Pavitra (1)
 I retract all my votes on the specified proposal and vote as specified
 on it.
Title: (2011-05-17 ais523)
Author: ais523
Owner: Tree
 The player who cashes the promise must have registered earlier in the
 same message in which they cashed the promise.
 I register.
Title: (2011-04-25 ais523 1)
Author: ais523
Owner: ais523
Text: I become inactive.
Title: (2011-04-25 ehird)
Author: ehird
Owner: ais523
 a Promise whose author is ais523 with the text "I become inactive" is
 in my (ehird) possession.

 I intend to ratify the document: {The player with the nickname ais523
 has the email address squid@ucb!vax, and is 523 years old.}
    ...[repeated 84 times in total -Ed.]...
 I intend to ratify the document: {The player with the nickname ais523
 has the email address squid@ucb!vax, and is 523 years old.}
 I deregister.

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