Recent events (UTC)
TIME              EVENT
24 Jan 21:17  Pavitra cashes {3146 DEPENDS 3143}
22 Feb 18:01  FKA441344 cashes {Anyone Can Mislead The Leader}

Quantity: 2
Title: (2011-08-13 omd)
Author: omd
Owners: scshunt (1), Pavitra (1)
 I retract all my votes on the specified proposal and vote as specified
 on it.
Title: (2011-05-17 ais523)
Author: ais523
Owner: Tree
 The player who cashes the promise must have registered earlier in the
 same message in which they cashed the promise.
 I register.
Title: (2011-04-25 ais523 1)
Author: ais523
Owner: ais523
Text: I become inactive.
Title: (2011-04-25 ehird)
Author: ehird
Owner: ais523
 a Promise whose author is ais523 with the text "I become inactive" is
 in my (ehird) possession.

 I intend to ratify the document: {The player with the nickname ais523
 has the email address squid@ucb!vax, and is 523 years old.}
    ...[repeated 84 times in total -Ed.]...
 I intend to ratify the document: {The player with the nickname ais523
 has the email address squid@ucb!vax, and is 523 years old.}
 I deregister.

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