Date of this report:  Mon 05 Feb 12
Date of last report:  Tue 28 Feb 12

Recent events (UTC)
TIME              EVENT
Sat 04 Feb 09:31  Voting periods end for Herald, IADoP, Registrar.
Sat 04 Feb 13:15  Elections for Herald, IADoP, Registrar end.
Sat 04 Feb 13:15  IADoP and Registrar become Postulated.
Sat 04 Feb 13:15  FKA441344 becomes Speaker.
Thu 16 Feb 05:58  Office of Golemkeepor created.
Sat 18 Feb 17:46  FKA441344 assumes Golemkeepor.
Sun 26 Feb 10:46  Office of General Secretary created.
Mon 05 Mar 00:02  FKA441344 assumes General Secretary



Office         Holder                   Since       Election*  Assumption
Ambassador     FKA441344                28 Jan 12   24 Jan 12  Postulated ~
Assessor       Murphy                   05 Mar 11   10 Mar 11  Postulated ~
CotC           Murphy                   23 Jan 08   07 Jan 11  Postulated ~
General Sec.** FKA441344                05 Mon 10   <never>    Assumed    ~
Golemkeepor    FKA441344                18 Feb 12   <never>    Assumed    ~
Herald         G.                       23 Oct 11   24 Jan 12  Postulated ~
Horton         FKA441344                28 Jan 12   22 Jan 12  Postulated ~
IADoP          FKA441344                28 Jan 12   24 Jan 12  Postulated ~
Promotor       omd                      11 Jan 12   11 Jan 12  Postulated ~
Registrar      Yally                    24 Jan 12   24 Jan 12  Postulated ~
Rulekeepor     omd                      06 Nov 11   16 Oct 11  Postulated ~
Speaker        FKA441344                04 Feb 12   <imposed>  <imposed>

* - date on which most recent nomination period began
~ - any player can initiate election by announcement (Rule 2154)
** - General Secretary



Office       Duty                                     Rule
Assessor     Proposal voting results                  1950
CotC         Assign judges                            1868
CotC         Rotate bench                             1871
CotC         Recuse tardy judges                      2158
Herald       Award/Revoke Patent Titles               649
              Award Champion to winners               2343
              Revoke Champion for Poor Sportsmanship  2343
              Award Degrees                           1367
Herald       Announce awarded/revoked Patent Titles   649
Herald       Degrees                                  1367
IADoP        Elections                                2154
Registrar    Writs of FAGE                            1789
Rulekeepor   Titles for untitled rules                2141


Office       Duty                     Most recent  Next deadline*  Rule
Assessor       Speed                  Sun 26 Feb    Sun 04 Mar~    2347
CotC           Posture                Sun 26 Feb    Sun 04 Mar~    1871
CotC           Status of open cases   Fri 26 Feb    Sun 04 Mar~     991
General Sec.~~ Ruble records          Mon 05 Feb    Sun 18 Mar     2362
Golemkeepor    Golem records          Mon 05 Feb    Sun 18 Mar     2360
IADoP          Offices                <now>         Sun 18 Mar     2138
                Assumption                                         2276
Horton         Promises               Mon 05 Feb    Sun 18 Mar     2337
Promotor       Proposal pool          Sat 26 Feb    Sun 04 Mar~    1607
Promotor       Proposal distribution  Sun 26 Feb    Sun 11 Mar     1607
Registrar      Players                Mon 20 Feb**  Sun 04 Mar~    2139
                Citizenship                                         869
                Writs of FAGE                                      1789
                Activity                                           2130
                Stasis                                             1504
Registrar      Fora                   Mon 20 Feb**  Sun 04 Mar~     478
Rulekeepor     Short Logical Ruleset  Thu 01 Mar    Sun 11 Mar     1051

*  - Deadline expires at end of listed day
** - Deputised
~  - Overdue
~~ - General Secretary


Office       Duty                     Most recent  Next deadline*  Rule
Herald       Patent Titles            Wed 25 Jan   Wed 29 Feb~      649
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset     Sun 05 Feb   Sat 31 Mar      1051
              Notable cases                                        2340
              Historical annotations                               1681
* - Deadline expires at end of listed day
~ - overdue

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