I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)         AI   Title                Pender     Pend fee (sh.)
7844*  o                 2.0  Mint Chocolate       nichdel    10
7845*  Aris, ais523      1.0  Free Agency          nichdel    9
7846*  o, Aris           3.0  Real Estate          o          4
7847*  Aris, o, nichdel  3.0  Assets v3            Aris       4

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.

The Pending List Price (PLP) is now* 6 shinies. The Pending Minimum Price (PMP)
is now* 5 shinies.

* As of the new month, and including a proposal not listed here.

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 7844
Title: Mint Chocolate
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: o

Amend rule 2483 (“Economics”), replacing all occurrences of the number 1000 with
the number 1270.

Amend rule 2487 (“Shiny Supply Level”), replacing all occurrences of the number
1000 with the number 1270.

ID: 7845
Title: Free Agency
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris
Co-author(s): ais523

Amend Rule 2467, "TLAs", by:
 changing its name to "Agencies";
 and by changing the paragraph beginning "The Powers of an Agency..." to read:

    The Powers of an Agency must be stated as actions, although they may
    may be conditional on date, time, game state, or other preconditions.
    If condition(s) are specified as necessary for a power to be used, it
    is limited; otherwise, it is unlimited. If it attempts to specify a
    power in a manner that is unclear, ambiguous, circular, inconsistent,
    paradoxical, or that depends on information that is impossible or
    unreasonably difficult to determine, then the specification of that
    power is invalid, and it CANNOT be used. [Some wording borrowed from
    Rule 2460.]

ID: 7846
Title: Real Estate
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: o
Co-author(s): Aris

If Shinies are money - plentiful, liquid, easily acquired in small
quanties but still valuable - then Estates are land: rare, illiquid,
difficult to acquire in any quantity, intrinsically valuable.

Enact a new rule, "The Surveyor", with power 1, with the text:

    The Surveyor is an office. Eir weekly report includes the owner of
    each Estate.

Enact a new rule, "Estates", with power 2, with the text:

    An Estate is a type of entity. The following changes are secured:
    creating, modifying, or destroying an Estate; and causing an
    entity to become an Estate or cease to be an Estate.

    Owner is a switch belonging to each Estate, tracked by the
    Surveyor, whose legal values are any player, any Organization, or
    Agora. The default Owner of an Estate is Agora. Changes to Owner
    switches are secured.

    To transfer an Estate to a player or Organization is to set its
    Owner switch to that player or that Organization. To transfer an
    Estate to Agora is to set its Owner switch to Agora.

    A player who owns an Estate can and may transfer it to any player,
    to any Organization, or to Agora, by announcement.

    A player may cause an Organization which owns an Estate to transfer
    that Estate to any player, to any Organization, or to Agora, by
    announcement, if it is Appropriate to do so under that
    Organization's charter.

Create the following Estates:

    * The Estate of Antegria
    * The Estate of Borduria
    * The Estate of Cagliostro
    * The Estate of Dawsbergen
    * The Estate of Erehwon

Enact a new rule, "Estate Ballots", with power 3, with the text:

    During any Agoran Decision, a player who owns one or more Estates
    can, by announcement, expend any number of their owned Estates on
    the Agoran Decision by transferring that Estate to Agora. Eir
    voting strength on that decision is increased by 1 for each Estate
    expended on it.

Enact a new rule, "Estate Auctions", with power 2, with the text:

    At the start of each month, if Agora owns at least one Estate, the
    Surveyor shall put one Estate which is owned by Agora up for
    auction, by announcement. Each auction ends seven days after it

    During an auction, any player may bid any number of Shinies by
    announcement. Any player may cause any Organization to bid any
    number of Shinies, by announcement, if it is Appropriate under that
    Organization's charter to place the bid.

    At the end of an auction, if there is a single highest bid, the
    player or Organization that placed the highest bid can cause Agora
    to transfer the auctioned Estate to emself by paying Agora the
    number of Shinies stated in their most recent bid. If the highest
    bidder does not do so in a timely fashion, the Surveyor shall issue
    the player who submitted the bid a Yellow Card.

Amend rule 2485 ("You Can't Take It With You") and replace its text with:

     "Heir" is a person switch, tracked by the Registrar, whose value
     is either empty or the name of a player or Organization. Each
     person's Heir is empty by default. A player may flip eir Heir by

     When a player is deregistered, if eir Heir switch is not empty, e
     automatically pays all of eir Balance to the named player or
     Organization, and transfers all of eir Estates to the named player
     or Organization. Otherwise, if eir Heir switch is empty, e may
     specify another player, an Organization, or Agora, and pay all of
     eir Balance and transfer all of eir Estates to the specified
     player or Organization. If the player does not do so within 1 day
     of deregistration, the Registrar CAN and SHALL cause that player
     to pay eir Balance to Agora and to transfer all of eir Estates to
     Agora, by announcement.

Title: Assets v3
Adoption index: 3
Author: Aris
Co-authors: o, nichdel

Reenact rule 2166, Assets (Power = 2), with the following text:

  An asset is an entity defined as such by a rule (hereafter its backing
  document), and existing solely because its backing document defines its

  Each asset has exactly one owner.  If an asset would otherwise
  lack an owner, it is owned by the Lost and Found Department.  If
  an asset's backing document restricts its ownership to a class
  of entities, then that asset CANNOT be gained by or transferred
  to an entity outside that class, and is destroyed if it is owned
  by an entity outside that class (except for the Lost and Found
  Department, in which case any player CAN transfer or destroy it
  without objection).

  The recordkeepor of a class of assets is the entity (if any)
  defined as such by, and bound by, its backing document.  That
  entity's report includes a list of all instances of that class
  and their owners.  This portion of that entity's report is

  An asset generally CAN be destroyed by its owner by
  announcement, and an asset owned by the Lost and Found
  Department generally CAN be destroyed by its recordkeepor by
  announcement, subject to modification by its backing document.
  To "lose" an asset is to have it destroyed from one's
  possession; to "revoke" an asset from an entity is to destroy it
  from that entity's possession.

  An asset generally CAN be transferred (syn. payed) by its owner to another
  entity by announcement, subject to modification by its backing
  document.  A fixed asset is one defined as such by its backing
  document, and CANNOT be transferred; any other asset is liquid.

  A currency is a class of asset defined as such by its backing
  document.  Instances of a currency with the same owner are

  The "x balance of an entity", where x is a currency, is the number of x that
  entity possesses. If a rule or proposal attempts to increase or decrease the
  balance of an entity without specifying a source or destination, then the
  currency is created or destroyed. Where it resolves ambiguity "Balance",
  without any currency modifiers, refers to an entity's balance of whichever
  currency is designated as "Agora's official currency", if there is one.

  Assets are always public. [To provide for private contract based assets later]

Change the rule "Economics" to read in full:

  Shinies (sg. shiny) are a liquid currency, and the official currency of Agora.
  They may be owned by Agora, any player, or any organization. The Secretary is
  the recordkeepor for Shinies.

  The Secretary CAN cause Agora to pay any player or organization by
  announcement if doing so is specified by a rule.

  Shinies cannot be destroyed, except as allowed by rules specifically
  addressing the destruction of Shinies. Any attempt to destroy Shinies instead
  transfers them to Agora.

Amend Rule 2459, Organizations, by adding as a paragraph at the end:

  A member of an Organization can perform any action the rules authorize that
  Organization to perform, if the Organization's charter states that doing so
  is Appropriate.

For the avoidance of doubt, all shinies existing under the old system continue
to so under the new system, and if they would not otherwise do so, new shinies
are created to replace them.

If o's proposal entitled "Real Estate" has passed:

  Amend the rule "The Surveyor" to have the folowing text:

    The Surveyor is an office, and the recordkeepor of estates.

  Amend the rule "Estates" to have the following text:

    An Estate is a type of liquid asset, which can be owned by players,
    orginizations, and Agora. The following changes are secured:
    creating, modifying, or destroying an Estate; and causing an
    entity to become an Estate or cease to be an Estate.

  Amend the rule "Estate Auctions" by changing the paragraph beginning "During
  an auction..." to read "During an auction, any player or organization may bid
  any number of Shinies by announcement." and removing the break between that
  and the next paragraph.

  For the avoidance of doubt, all Estates existing under the old system continue
  to so under the new system, and if they would not otherwise do so, new Estates
  are created to replace them.


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