As Referee, I believe there are no outstanding no rules violations in
the preceding Agoran week for which a Card has not already been issued.
I publish the following report:

Referee's Weekly Report

Date of this report: Sun, 30 Apr 2017
Date of last report: Sun, 23 Apr 2017

Recent events (all times UTC)

----- previous report -----
Wed, 19 Apr 2017 23:29:03 !Quazie given a Yellow Card for Bankruptcy
Fri, 21 Apr 2017 17:56:55  o given a Yellow Card for Tardiness
Sat, 22 Apr 2017 03:04:46  o formally apologizes for Tardiness
----- time of last report -----
Wed, 26 Apr 2017 02:15:47 !Quazie formally apologizes for Bankruptcy

Events marked with ! are provisional until the status of Quazie as a
player is resolved.

Green Cards: None

Yellow Cards:

Player   By      Until          Reason       Apology Words
!Quazie  o      (Apr 26, 2017)  Bankruptcy   * determinate
                                             * certain
                                             * distinct
                                             * definite
                                             * precise
                                             * recognizable
                                             * exact
                                             * fixed
                                             * player
                                             * umami

o        天火狐  (Apr 22, 2017)  Tardiness    * agora
                                             * flow
                                             * melancholy
                                             * o ("oh" is acceptable)
                                             * only
                                             * orchid
                                             * regret
                                             * smell
                                             * sparrow
                                             * spring

Dates in (parentheses) indicate an apology.

Cards marked with ! are provisional until the status of Quazie as a
player is resolved.

Red Cards: None

Pink Slips: None

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