Judge's arguments for CFJ 3497:

I was considering playing along with this, but frankly, given everything that's
happened, I'm not in the mood. Even the caller has practically admitted that
this CFJ is frivolous (the message was entitled "A little levity"). The only
sensible reading of the rule is that "no Player shall be prohibited" means
roughly "a player shall not be prohibited". This is so abundantly clear it
isn't even worth talking about (see also common sense, affixed). Further, no
evidence has been provided that a player named "no player" even existed at the
time of the addition of that rule. Under the precedent set by CFJ 1520, the
existence of such a player would be required for the reference to be complete.

I judge this case FALSE. Additionally, for the initiation of a frivolous case,
I (unofficially) sentence o to Shame. I realize we have a tradition of having
such cases on occasion, but given the current judicial overload I think this
is in bad taste at the moment.

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