Agora owns at least one Estate. As such, it is my honour to begin the auction 
for the Estate of Antegria. Bids may be placed by announcement to the public 
forum as described in Rule 2491.

All players are eligible to place bids on their own behalf. All players are 
eligible to place bids on behalf of an Organization if it is Appropriate under 
that Organization’s charter.

Don’t forget, I’ve pledged to run a writing competition during this auction:

> If elected Surveyor, then, during the June estate auction - during which i 
> will auction off Antegria - I will additionally accept short, 
> tourist-centric, blurbs about Antegria alongside bids. These blurbs should 
> talk about the history and geography of the region of Antegria, and pitch it 
> to hypothetical tourists who might want to visit that region.
> If the winning bid includes a blurb of at least 70 words, I pledge to kick in 
> 10% of the winning bid, rounded up, up to a maximum of 50 shinies, by paying 
> the winner that amount from my own balance immedately after resolving the 
> auction.
> These blurbs will be included, for flavour, in the Surveyor’s weekly report.

I’m looking forwards to your submissions!


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