Accepted. I publish the following Revision.

The following Contracts exist. Each Contract except the first was
created since the last report. Many Contracts were also destroyed.

--- Order of the Occult Hand ---

     天火狐 ("Proprietor")
     Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
     V.J Rada

Private Asset Classes: None

This contract is exempt from sustenance payments until January 31st, 2018.

     The player 天火狐 is the proprietor of the Order of the Occult Hand. The
     proprietor CAN make amendments to this contract by announcing eir intent to
     do so with at least 48 hours notice. All other non-proprietor parties to
     this contract are referred to as a "participant" of this contract.

     A player CAN become a party to this contract via announcement. A party to
     this contract who is not wagering the occult hand CAN cease being a party
     to this contract by announcement.

     The collective assets which this contract owns is referred to as the "Pot".
     The only party which is allowed to transfer assets from the Pot is the
     proprietor. The proprietor MAY NOT transfer assets from the Pot except as
     detailed in this contract. This contract is willing to receive all assets.

     When a participant to this contract announces they wish to "wager the
     occult hand", the following happens:

     * If the party is already wagering the occult hand, this announcement is
       INEFFECTIVE. Otherwise, the participant is considered to be wagering the
       occult hand.

     * The proprietor, in a private channel of communication, shall message the
       participant in a timely manner a secret word or phrase known as their
       "Shibboleth". The proprietor SHALL announce that the participant has
       received eir Shibboleth. If the proprietor fails to do so in a timely
       manner, then the participant is no longer considered to be wagering the
       occult hand.

     When a proposal authored by a participant contains as a substring, in its
     text, eir Shibboleth and, at the time of the closure of the voting period
     of the aforementioned proposal, no participant to this contract has found
     the occult hand in the proposal, the following occurs:

     * The participant who authored the proposal SHOULD, in a timely manner,
       announce that they have won against the occult hand;

     * The proprietor SHALL transfer the Pot to said participant in a timely

     * The participant is no longer considered to be wagering the occult hand.

     The action to "look for the occult hand" refers to one of three actions,
     distinguished by the cost paid by the participant taking the action. The
     valid options are:

     * If the participant announces they are looking for the occult hand and
       pays this contract 16 shinies, they may name a pending or distributed
       proposal authored by a participant who is wagering the occult hand;

     * If the participant announces they are looking for the occult hand and
       pays this contract 3 shinies, they may name a paragraph in a pending or
       distributed proposal authored by a participant who is wagering the occult

     * If the participant announces they are looking for the occult hand and
       pays this contract 1 shiny, they may name a word.

     Should the named text contain any major word (defined to be a word of at
     least five letters in length that is not a preposition or conjunction) of
     the author's Shibboleth, then the occult hand is considered found in that
     proposal. The participant who successfully found the occult hand is
     entitled to the Shinies they paid this contract to take the action plus
     half of the remaining Shinies in the Pot (rounded down), which the
     proprietor SHALL transfer in a timely manner. If the named text in a "look
     for the occult hand" action does not contain any part of the author's
     Shibboleth, then nothing happens.

     A participant who is wagering the occult hand CAN announce they are
     conceding the wager and paying this contract 4 shinies. If they do so, they
     are no longer considered to be wagering the occult hand.

     The proprietor MAY transfer assets from the Pot to pay for any upkeep to
     sustain the existence of this contract.

     The proprietor SHOULD ensure that there are at least 5 shinies in the Pot
     at all times.

--- Hi! ---
V.J. Rada

Private Asset Classes: None

     Nobody can join this contract except V.J. Rada and Publius
     Scribonius Scholasticus. Whenever V.J. Rada provides an action for
     this contract to take via agora-discussion, this contract takes that
     action. Whenever V.J. Rada provides a dispersal of assets from this
     contract via agora-discussion, this contract disperses those assets in
     the specified way. Whenever V.J. Rada provides a new text for this
     contract via agora-discussion, this contract amends itself to have the
     specified text.

--- Finger Pointing Workaround ---

Private Asset Classes: None

    Any party of this contract CAN amend or destroy this contract with 3
    days Notice.

    ATMunn and G. CAN become or cease to be parties to this contract by
    announcement. No other person can be a party to this contract.

    At any time, G. CAN, by announcement, act on behalf of ATMunn to point
    a finger at any player who is late on at least one report of an
    office e holds.

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 11:26 PM, ATMunn <> wrote:
> CoE: It looks like you accidentally copied something from another contract
> onto the bottom of OotOH.
> On 4/25/2018 7:12 AM, Ned Strange wrote:
>> The following Contracts exist. Each Contract except the first was
>> created since the last report. Many Contracts were also destroyed.
>> --- Order of the Occult Hand ---
>> Parties:
>>      天火狐 ("Proprietor")
>>      Alexis
>>      ATMunn
>>      Corona
>>      G.
>>      nichdel
>>      Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>      Telnaior
>>      V.J Rada
>> Private Asset Classes: None
>> This contract is exempt from sustenance payments until January 31st, 2018.
>> Text:
>>      The player 天火狐 is the proprietor of the Order of the Occult Hand. The
>>      proprietor CAN make amendments to this contract by announcing eir
>> intent to
>>      do so with at least 48 hours notice. All other non-proprietor parties
>> to
>>      this contract are referred to as a "participant" of this contract.
>>      A player CAN become a party to this contract via announcement. A
>> party to
>>      this contract who is not wagering the occult hand CAN cease being a
>> party
>>      to this contract by announcement.
>>      The collective assets which this contract owns is referred to as the
>> "Pot".
>>      The only party which is allowed to transfer assets from the Pot is
>> the
>>      proprietor. The proprietor MAY NOT transfer assets from the Pot
>> except as
>>      detailed in this contract. This contract is willing to receive all
>> assets.
>>      When a participant to this contract announces they wish to "wager the
>>      occult hand", the following happens:
>>      * If the party is already wagering the occult hand, this announcement
>> is
>>        INEFFECTIVE. Otherwise, the participant is considered to be
>> wagering the
>>        occult hand.
>>      * The proprietor, in a private channel of communication, shall
>> message the
>>        participant in a timely manner a secret word or phrase known as
>> their
>>        "Shibboleth". The proprietor SHALL announce that the participant
>> has
>>        received eir Shibboleth. If the proprietor fails to do so in a
>> timely
>>        manner, then the participant is no longer considered to be wagering
>> the
>>        occult hand.
>>      When a proposal authored by a participant contains as a substring, in
>> its
>>      text, eir Shibboleth and, at the time of the closure of the voting
>> period
>>      of the aforementioned proposal, no participant to this contract has
>> found
>>      the occult hand in the proposal, the following occurs:
>>      * The participant who authored the proposal SHOULD, in a timely
>> manner,
>>        announce that they have won against the occult hand;
>>      * The proprietor SHALL transfer the Pot to said participant in a
>> timely
>>        manner.
>>      * The participant is no longer considered to be wagering the occult
>> hand.
>>      The action to "look for the occult hand" refers to one of three
>> actions,
>>      distinguished by the cost paid by the participant taking the action.
>> The
>>      valid options are:
>>      * If the participant announces they are looking for the occult hand
>> and
>>        pays this contract 16 shinies, they may name a pending or
>> distributed
>>        proposal authored by a participant who is wagering the occult hand;
>>      * If the participant announces they are looking for the occult hand
>> and
>>        pays this contract 3 shinies, they may name a paragraph in a
>> pending or
>>        distributed proposal authored by a participant who is wagering the
>> occult
>>        hand;
>>      * If the participant announces they are looking for the occult hand
>> and
>>        pays this contract 1 shiny, they may name a word.
>>      Should the named text contain any major word (defined to be a word of
>> at
>>      least five letters in length that is not a preposition or
>> conjunction) of
>>      the author's Shibboleth, then the occult hand is considered found in
>> that
>>      proposal. The participant who successfully found the occult hand is
>>      entitled to the Shinies they paid this contract to take the action
>> plus
>>      half of the remaining Shinies in the Pot (rounded down), which the
>>      proprietor SHALL transfer in a timely manner. If the named text in a
>> "look
>>      for the occult hand" action does not contain any part of the author's
>>      Shibboleth, then nothing happens.
>>      A participant who is wagering the occult hand CAN announce they are
>>      conceding the wager and paying this contract 4 shinies. If they do
>> so, they
>>      are no longer considered to be wagering the occult hand.
>>      The proprietor MAY transfer assets from the Pot to pay for any upkeep
>> to
>>      sustain the existence of this contract.
>>      The proprietor SHOULD ensure that there are at least 5 shinies in the
>> Pot
>>      at all times.
>>      currently recognized the Agent, this contract immediately selects the
>> first
>>      party eligible based on the order in which they became a party to
>> this
>>      contract.
>>      天火狐 and VJ Rada can become a party to this contract by announcement.
>> Any
>>      person can become a party to this contract by announcement starting
>> Nov.
>>      15, 2017. A party who is not the proprietor may cease to be a party
>> to this
>>      contract by announcement.
>>      The proprietor can make amendments to this contract by announcement
>> with  48
>>      hours notice. The proprietor can remove a party from this contract by
>>      announcement. A party to this contract can make an announcement to to
>>      attempt to remove the Agent; if two other parties to this contract
>> announce
>>      support for the attempt, the Agent is removed from the contract.
>>      If the Agent wishes to resign (i.e. no longer wishes to be the
>> Agent), they
>>      must no longer be a party to this contract. When making the
>> announcement to
>>      do so, they may optionally select a non-proprietor party. If they
>> choose to
>>      do so, that party becomes the next Agent instead.
>>      The Agent of this contract, while the proprietor is the Reportor, may
>>      announce that they are "acting as the Agent of the Reportor" and
>> publish a
>>      document. If they do so, the proprietor SHALL endorse the document in
>> such
>>      a way that it counts as the official Reportor report (up to and
>> including
>>      reposting the report) for the time period and collect any currency
>> rewards
>>      for the report, which they SHALL give the Agent. The proprietor shall
>> also
>>      treat any direct communication which would, if posted to a public
>> forum,
>>      amount to the aforementioned action as the action in question. In
>> addition,
>>      if this contract does not possess a Shiny but the proprietor does,
>> and if
>>      the Notary has announced intent to destroy this contract due to
>> non-payment
>>      of its upkeep, the Agent can, by announcement, cause the proprietor
>> to
>>      transfer one of eir shinies to this contract. If the proprietor fails
>> to do
>>      so, e is responsible of reimbursing the Agent the shiny value of the
>>      rewards lost.
>> --- Hi! ---
>> Parties:
>> V.J. Rada
>> Private Asset Classes: None
>> Text:
>>      Nobody can join this contract except V.J. Rada and Publius
>>      Scribonius Scholasticus. Whenever V.J. Rada provides an action for
>>      this contract to take via agora-discussion, this contract takes that
>>      action. Whenever V.J. Rada provides a dispersal of assets from this
>>      contract via agora-discussion, this contract disperses those assets
>> in
>>      the specified way. Whenever V.J. Rada provides a new text for this
>>      contract via agora-discussion, this contract amends itself to have
>> the
>>      specified text.
>> --- Finger Pointing Workaround ---
>> Parties:
>> ATMunn
>> G.
>> Private Asset Classes: None
>> Text:
>>     Any party of this contract CAN amend or destroy this contract with 3
>>     days Notice.
>>     ATMunn and G. CAN become or cease to be parties to this contract by
>>     announcement. No other person can be a party to this contract.
>>     At any time, G. CAN, by announcement, act on behalf of ATMunn to point
>>     a finger at any player who is late on at least one report of an
>> office e holds.

>From V.J. Rada

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