I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 6.0, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID      Author(s)       AI    Title
8077B*  twg             3.0   Patchy McPatchface
8078B*  twg             2.0   From each according to eir means
8079B*  twg             2.0   From each according to eir means v2
8080B*  Aris, twg       2.0   From each according to eir means v3
8081B*  Aris, G., twg   3.0   Point Installation Act v2
8082A*  twg             1.0   Gamestate correction for July 2018
8083A*  G.              3.0   quorum fixes
8084A*  Trigon          1.0   Needs more Competition
8085A*  Kenyon, twg     1.0   Plain Old Bribery, Mk. II
8087A*  Aris            1.0   Even Freer Proposals v2
8088A*  Kenyon, twg     1.0   Return of the Zombie Loopholes
8089A*  Trigon, [1]     1.0   Revamping movement v3.2

[1] twg, Aris, G., Corona

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal.
        <ID>A : Distribution identifier for a second distribution.
        <ID>B : Distribution identifier for a third distribution.

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 8077
Title: Patchy McPatchface
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: twg

Amend rule 478, "Fora", by replacing "may change" with "CAN change".

Amend rule 1789, "Cantus Cygneus", by replacing every occurrence of
"shall" with "SHALL".

ID: 8078
Title: From each according to eir means
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: twg

[ This is an attempt at a reset/rebalance that strikes a middle ground between
  completely erasing everyone's progress and leaving the current exponentially-
  growing inequality in place. I'm not positive that I struck the right balance
  but even if it's rejected it can be a starting point for discussion. ]

For each facility owned by a player, transfer all coins owned by that facility
to its owner.

For each zombie owned by a player, transfer all coins owned by that zombie to
its owner.

Decrease the coin balance of each player to the square root (rounded up to the
next largest integer) of however many coins e possessed before this sentence
took effect.

ID: 8079
Title: From each according to eir means v2
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: twg

[An alternative algorithm which may be slightly preferable: Quarter
the coin balances instead of square-rooting them.]

If the votes on the proposal titled "From each according to eir
means" authored by twg are such that it has been or will undoubtedly
be ADOPTED, then this proposal has no effect.

For each facility owned by a player, transfer all coins owned by that
facility to its owner.

For each zombie owned by a player, transfer all coins owned by that
zombie to its owner.

Decrease the coin balance of each player to one-quarter (rounded up to
the next largest integer) of however many coins e possessed before
this sentence took effect.

ID: 8080
Title: From each according to eir means v3
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-author(s): twg

If the votes on any proposal, the title of which contains "From each",
authored by twg, are such that it has been or will undoubtedly
be ADOPTED, then this proposal has no effect.

For each facility owned by a player, transfer all coins owned by that
facility to its owner.

For each zombie owned by a player, transfer all coins owned by that
zombie to its owner.

Decrease the coin balance of each player to one-tenth (rounded up to
the next largest integer) of however many coins e possessed before
this sentence took effect.

ID: 8081
Title: Point Installation Act v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: G., twg

Create the following Rule, Points, AI-2.0:

  Points are the official currency of Agora.  Points can
  only be owned by players and Agora.  Points are tracked by the

For each player, create a number of points in eir possession equal
to either (A) the number of coins e had immediately before this proposal
took effect, or (B) 1000, whichever is less.

[Why am I doing things in this rule that could go in existing rules?
To maintain the separation of concerns between different levels of play.
We should be able to do whatever we want to with land without affecting
points, and this is the simplest way to do that. The Rulekeepor may
want to add cross references. However, I am still open to alternative

Create the following Rule, Earning Points, AI-1.5:

  For a player to 'earn' a point is for it to be created in eir
  possession.  For a player to 'lose' a point is for it to be
  destroyed (if e has one).

  When a decision to adopt a proposal is resolved:

  - If the outcome was ADOPTED, its author earns a number of points
    equal to (the total strength of all valid ballots cast FOR the
    decision - the total strength of all valid ballots cast AGAINST)
    times the adoption index of the decision (final result rounded

  - If the outcome was REJECTED, its author loses a number of points
    equal to (the minimum of (the total strength of all valid ballots cast
    AGAINST the decision - the total strength of all valid ballots cast FOR)
    and 0).

  - If the outcome was FAILED QUORUM, every active player who didn't
    cast a ballot loses 1 point.

  At the start of each month, for each office, if a single player
  held that office for 16 or more days in the previous month and no
  unforgivable fines were levied on em for eir conduct in that
  office during that time, that player earns 10 points.

  When a player registers who has not been a player at any time in
  the past 30 days, e earns 25 points.

  When a zombie becomes active, e earns 25 points.

  When a judge issues eir first official judgement on a given CFJ, e earns
  5 points.

Create 25 points in the possession of each player who is not eligible for
a welcome package.

[The following translates existing rules to the new system.]

Remove coins from all lists it occurs in Rule 2483, "Economics",
renumbering appropriately where necessary, and remove the text
"Coins are the official currency of Agora." from the same rule.

Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by: {
* Removing item 1(A) and relettering appropriately; and
* Removing item 2(A) and relettering appropriately;.

Amend Rule 2499, "Welcome Packages", by removing item 1 and renumbering

Repeal Rule 2572, "Wishing Fountain".

[Should work fine without the optionally, by NCNA.]

Amend Rule 2549, "Auction Initiation", by removing the text ", optionally"
and changing the text "If no currency is specified, it defaults to coins."
to read "If no currency is specified, it defaults to Agora's official
currency. If no minimum bid is specified, it defaults to 1 of the auction's

Amend each rule, in ascending numerical order, by changing the work "coin"
to "point" and the word "coins" to "points".

ID: 8082
Title: Gamestate correction for July 2018
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: twg

Create 54 apples and 54 lumber in the possession of Corona.

ID: 8083
Title: quorum fixes
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 208 (Resolving Agoran Decisions) by replacing:
  3. It specifies the outcome, as described elsewhere, and, if there
     was more than one valid option, provides a tally of the voters'
     valid ballots.
  3. It specifies the number of voters (or a list of the voters).
     For these purposes and for determining quorum, a "voter" is
     someone who submitted a ballot on the decision that was valid
     when it was submitted and also valid (i.e. not withdrawn or
     otherwise invalidated) at the end of the voting period.

  4. It specifies the outcome, as described elsewhere, and, if there
     was more than one valid option, provides a tally of the voters'
     valid ballots.

Amend Rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) by replacing:
  - If there is more than one option, and the number of valid
    ballots is less than the quorum of that decision, the outcome is
    instead FAILED QUORUM.
  - If there is more than one option, and the number of voters is
    less than the quorum of that decision, the outcome is instead

Amend Rule 879 (Quorum) by replacing:
  is equal to the number of players who voted on
  is equal to the number of voters on

Amend Rule 2034 (Vote Protection and Cutoff for Challenges) by adding
the following list item after list item 1, and then renumbering the
list accordingly:

  2.  it had the number of voters indicated,

ID: 8084
Title: Needs more Competition
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon

Amend Rule 2004 "Land Auctions" by replacing all occurences of "5" with
"3" and all occurences of "five" with "three".

ID: 8085
Title: Plain Old Bribery, Mk. II
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Kenyon
Co-authors: twg

Each person who has
  (a) cast a vote FOR this proposal that is valid, unconditional and not
      withdrawn, and
  (b) cast a vote on each of proposals 8077-8081 that is valid and not
      withdrawn, and
  (c) either:
      (i)  has not been a zombie master at any time since July 25,
           2018, or
      (ii) has acted on behalf of a zombie to cast a vote on each of
           proposals 8077-8081 that is valid and not withdrawn
hereby earns a Black Ribbon.

ID: 8087
Title: Even Freer Proposals v2
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Change Rule 2445, "How to Pend a Proposal", to read in full:

  Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
  proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending" or
  "not pending" (default).

  Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending"
  by announcement. A player SHALL NOT submit and/or pend proposals that,
  taken collectively, are manifestly unreasonable and excessive (hereafter
  excess proposals); doing so constitutes the Class-4 Crime of
  Excess Legislation. The Promotor CAN remove a specified excess proposal
  from the proposal pool by announcement.

ID: 8088
Title: Return of the Zombie Loopholes
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Kenyon
Co-authors: twg

Amend rule 2003, "Actions in Arcadia", by replacing the text "and has
not won a land auction in the current or previous month" with "and has
not, in the current or previous month, either won a land auction or
been the master of a zombie when the zombie won a land auction".

ID: 8089
Title: Return of the Zombie Loopholes
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Kenyon
Co-authors: twg

Amend rule 2003 "Actions in Arcadia" by replacing its text with:
  Energy Points (abbreviated EP) is an untracked natural player
  switch. Any action which would decrease a player's EP below 0

  Players CAN eat a quantity of apples or corn. To eat is to pay a
  fee of the stated quantity to increase your EP by one for each
  apple and three for each corn.

  Players CAN feed another player a quantity of apples or corn. To
  feed is to pay a fee of the stated quantity to increase the EP of
  another player using the values given above.

  At the beginning of the week, each player's Energy Points switch
  is flipped to 0.

  Any player CAN perform any of the following actions by

  1. move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit. This action
    decreases eir EP by:

    a. 1 if the their Land Types are the same or one is gray;
    b. 2 if their Land Types differ, neither is gray, and the
       destination is not Aether.

  2. set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is adjacent to the
    Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is owned by
    Agora, to:

    a. an alternating Land Type. This action decreases eir EP by 3.
    b. eir choice of either Black or White. This action decreases
       eir EP by 4.

  3. set the Land Type of any Land Unit to:

    a. if e owns it, eir choice of either Black or White. This
       action decreases eir EP by 2.
    b. if Agora owns it, an alternating Land Type. This action
       decreases eir EP by 6.

  4. Stake a Land Claim on a specified Land Unit that is adjacent to
    the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is owned
    by Agora, if and only if e is active, has not staked a land
    claim in the current month, and has not won a land auction in
    the current or previous month.  When e stakes a land claim, the
    unit's land type is set to the land type of eir choice, then is
    transferred to em, then e moves onto that unit.


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