On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 4:32 PM Timon Walshe-Grey <m...@timon.red> wrote:
> CoE: In the "full text of proposals" section, proposal 8089 has the wrong 
> title, author and co-authors.

Accepted. Revision:

ID: 8089
Title: Revamping movement v3.2
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: twg, Aris, G., Corona

Amend rule 2003 "Actions in Arcadia" by replacing its text with:
  Energy Points (abbreviated EP) is an untracked natural player
  switch. Any action which would decrease a player's EP below 0

  Players CAN eat a quantity of apples or corn. To eat is to pay a
  fee of the stated quantity to increase your EP by one for each
  apple and three for each corn.

  Players CAN feed another player a quantity of apples or corn. To
  feed is to pay a fee of the stated quantity to increase the EP of
  another player using the values given above.

  At the beginning of the week, each player's Energy Points switch
  is flipped to 0.

  Any player CAN perform any of the following actions by

  1. move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit. This action
    decreases eir EP by:

    a. 1 if the their Land Types are the same or one is gray;
    b. 2 if their Land Types differ, neither is gray, and the
       destination is not Aether.

  2. set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is adjacent to the
    Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is owned by
    Agora, to:

    a. an alternating Land Type. This action decreases eir EP by 3.
    b. eir choice of either Black or White. This action decreases
       eir EP by 4.

  3. set the Land Type of any Land Unit to:

    a. if e owns it, eir choice of either Black or White. This
       action decreases eir EP by 2.
    b. if Agora owns it, an alternating Land Type. This action
       decreases eir EP by 6.

  4. Stake a Land Claim on a specified Land Unit that is adjacent to
    the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is owned
    by Agora, if and only if e is active, has not staked a land
    claim in the current month, and has not won a land auction in
    the current or previous month.  When e stakes a land claim, the
    unit's land type is set to the land type of eir choice, then is
    transferred to em, then e moves onto that unit.


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