The below is CFJ 3769.  I assign it to twg.

On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 6:59 PM Jason Cobb <> wrote:
> I CFJ: "When the action of ratification of a public document is
> performed, Rule 1551 is the agent that performs certain changes to the
> gamestate."
> Evidence:
> {
> Excerpt from Rule 1551 ("Ratification"):
> > A public document is part (possibly all) of a public message.
> >
> > When a public document is ratified, rules to the contrary
> > notwithstanding, the gamestate is modified to what it would be if,
> > at the time the ratified document was published, the gamestate had
> > been minimally modified to make the ratified document as true and
> > accurate as possible;
> Excerpt from Rule 2202 ("Ratification Without Objection"):
> > Any player CAN, without objection, ratify a public document,
> > specifying its scope.
> }
> Arguments:
> {
> The Rules do not define what the action of ratifying a public document
> actually _is_, although they do provide methods by which the action of
> ratifying a public document can be performed. Instead of defining what
> the action is, Rule 1551 states that whenever a public document happens
> to be ratified (by some method), "the gamestate is modified [in a
> certain way]". That is, the changes to the gamestate are a side-effect
> of the ratification and not part of the performance of the action of
> ratifying a public document.
> I therefore argue that whatever entity happens to be performing the
> ratification is not necessarily the same as the entity modifying the
> gamestate.
> To make matters worse, this part of Rule 1551 is written in the passive
> voice, so it does not provide a clear agent. Given that Rule 1551 is the
> only Rule that describes this modification, and does not provide any
> other way for another entity to be the agent that performs the changes
> to the gamestate (because the changes are only a side-effect of the
> ratification), the only entity that could possibly be the agent here is
> Rule 1551 itself.
> }
> --
> Jason Cobb

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