(Disclaimer: ais523 becoming a candidate for Speaker was ineffective if
e wasn't a player. I don't think e was, but IIRC the CFJ remains open.)

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at http://zenith.homelinux.net/adop/report.php

Date of last report: 2019-10-20
Date of this report: 2019-11-03


Filled offices: 13/14 (92.86%)
Total officers: 8
Consolidation[1]: 1.62
Late reports: 2/9 (22.22%)
[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office             Holder[1]  Since         Last Election
ADoP               Murphy     2019-07-02    2019-07-02
Arbitor           *G.         2019-06-11    2019-05-14
Assessor          *Jason Cobb 2019-07-09    2019-05-14
Comptrollor        Jason Cobb 2019-10-12    2019-05-19 [3]
Distributor        omd        2018-06-15    (never)    [3]
Herald            *G.         2019-07-09    2019-05-19
Prime Minister     G.         2019-03-07    (ongoing)
Promotor           Aris       2016-10-21    2017-09-21
Referee           *twg        2019-09-02    2019-05-14
Registrar          Falsifian  2019-05-04    2019-05-14
Rulekeepor        *(vacant)   2019-10-22[2] 2018-11-25
Speaker            Jason Cobb 2019-08-09    (ongoing)  [3]
Tailor             nch        2019-10-30    2019-10-30
Treasuror         *Falsifian  2019-06-25    2019-05-14
[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office             Report                    Last Published     Late[1]
ADoP               Offices                   2019-10-20[2]      !
Arbitor            Judicial matters          2019-11-01
Herald             Matters of Honour         2019-11-03
Promotor           Proposal pool             2019-10-27
Referee            Rule violations           2019-10-22
Registrar          Players, Fora             2019-10-22
Rulekeepor         Short Logical Ruleset     2019-10-15         (vacant)
Treasuror          Coins, other currencies   2019-10-29
[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office             Report                    Last Published     Late
Herald             Patent titles             2019-10-31
Registrar          Player history            2019-10-27
Rulekeepor         Full Logical Ruleset      2019-10-15         (vacant)
Tailor             Ribbons                   2019-10-31


Office             Initiated       Phase           Candidates
Prime Minister     2019-11-03      Nominating      Murphy
Speaker            2019-10-20      Post-nominating ais523, Falsifian


Office             Days Until          Last Election
Promotor           00 Days             2017-09-21
Rulekeepor         00 Days             2018-11-25
Arbitor            00 Days             2019-05-14
Assessor           00 Days             2019-05-14
Referee            00 Days             2019-05-14
[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

ADoP                 Associate Director of Personnel

Tue, Oct 01 2019 (21:32:13) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Tue, Oct 01 2019 (21:54:05) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Treasuror's weekly report Tue, Oct 01 2019 (22:03:49) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report Tue, Oct 01 2019 (22:17:19) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report
Fri, Oct 04 2019 (18:15:19) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Sun, Oct 06 2019 (20:36:10) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Mon, Oct 07 2019 (02:56:13) - Aris published the proposal pool
Tue, Oct 08 2019 (00:19:45) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Tue, Oct 08 2019 (00:25:24) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report
Tue, Oct 08 2019 (12:12:38) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Sat, Oct 12 2019 (20:09:35) - PSS deregistered
Sat, Oct 12 2019 (21:34:37) - Murphy appointed Jason Cobb to Comptrollor
Sat, Oct 12 2019 (21:35:40) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
Tue, Oct 15 2019 (03:30:37) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Tue, Oct 15 2019 (03:36:55) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report
Tue, Oct 15 2019 (21:56:31) - Trigon published the Short Logical Ruleset
Tue, Oct 15 2019 (21:57:27) - Trigon published the Full Logical Ruleset
Fri, Oct 18 2019 (19:24:08) - nch registered
Sun, Oct 20 2019 (07:40:11) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Sun, Oct 20 2019 (18:02:08) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
Sun, Oct 20 2019 (20:59:56) - Jason Cobb initiated an election for Speaker
Sun, Oct 20 2019 (21:15:57) - pikhq registered
Sun, Oct 20 2019 (22:01:03) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Tue, Oct 22 2019 (05:06:39) - Trigon resigned from Rulekeepor
Tue, Oct 22 2019 (13:22:37) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Tue, Oct 22 2019 (23:45:40) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Tue, Oct 22 2019 (23:50:36) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report Tue, Oct 22 2019 (23:57:38) - Falsifian became a candidate for the Speaker election Wed, Oct 23 2019 (00:02:24) - ais523 became a candidate for the Speaker election Wed, Oct 23 2019 (01:01:19) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Registrar's weekly report
Thu, Oct 24 2019 (16:00:13) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Sat, Oct 26 2019 (14:09:02) - G. initiated an election for Tailor
Sat, Oct 26 2019 (14:24:34) - nch became a candidate for the Tailor election
Sat, Oct 26 2019 (14:46:11) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Sun, Oct 27 2019 (00:56:43) - Falsifian published the Registrar's monthly report
Sun, Oct 27 2019 (06:30:51) - Aris published the proposal pool
Sun, Oct 27 2019 (06:44:11) - Aris made a CoE on the proposal pool
Sun, Oct 27 2019 (19:37:25) - G. made a CoE on the proposal pool
Tue, Oct 29 2019 (07:03:47) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report
Wed, Oct 30 2019 (18:54:05) - G. resolved the Tailor election, electing nch
Thu, Oct 31 2019 (23:11:26) - nch published the Tailor's monthly report
Thu, Oct 31 2019 (23:16:04) - nch made a CoE on the Tailor's monthly report
Thu, Oct 31 2019 (23:19:08) - G. published the Herald's monthly report
Fri, Nov 01 2019 (22:14:30) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Sun, Nov 03 2019 (18:27:05) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Sun, Nov 03 2019 (18:31:25) - G. initiated an election for Prime Minister
Sun, Nov 03 2019 (18:38:17) - Murphy became a candidate for the Prime Minister election

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