You can find an up-to-date version of this report at http://zenith.homelinux.net/adop/report.php

Date of last report: 2020-01-05
Date of this report: 2020-02-09


Filled offices: 14/16 (87.50%)
Total officers: 9
Consolidation[1]: 1.56
Late reports: 2/10 (20.00%)
[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office             Holder[1]  Since         Last Election
                  *(vacant)   2020-01-29[2] (never)
ADoP               Murphy     2019-07-02    2019-07-02
Arbitor            G.         2019-06-11    2019-11-23
Assessor           Jason      2019-07-09    2019-11-11
Comptrollor       *(vacant)   2020-01-22[2] 2019-05-19 [3]
Distributor        omd        2018-06-15    (never)    [3]
Herald             Alexis     2020-01-24    2020-01-24
Notary             Gaelan     2020-01-29    2018-03-19
Prime Minister    *Alexis     2020-01-25    2019-11-03
Promotor           Aris       2016-10-21    2017-09-21
Referee           *twg        2019-09-02    (ongoing)
Registrar          Falsifian  2019-05-04    (ongoing)
Rulekeepor        *Jason      2019-12-06    2018-11-25
Speaker            Falsifian  2020-02-08    2019-11-05 [3]
Tailor             twg        2020-01-14    2020-02-09
Treasuror          twg        2020-01-23    2020-01-25
[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office             Report                    Last Published     Late[1]
ADoP               Offices                   2020-01-05[2]      !!!
Arbitor            Judicial matters          2020-02-09
Herald             Matters of Honour         2020-02-01
Notary             Contracts                 2020-02-09
Promotor           Proposal pool             2020-01-31
Referee            Rule violations           2020-02-05
Registrar          Players, Fora             2020-02-06
Rulekeepor         Short Logical Ruleset     2020-01-20         !
Treasuror          Coins, other currencies   2020-02-05
[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office             Report                    Last Published     Late
Herald             Patent titles             2020-02-08
Registrar          Player history            2020-02-02
Rulekeepor         Full Logical Ruleset      2019-12-30         !
Tailor             Ribbons                   2020-01-14


Office             Initiated       Phase           Candidates
Referee            2020-01-14      Post-nominating Alexis, twg
Registrar          2020-01-11      Post-nominating Falsifian, Gaelan


Office             Days Until          Last Election
Promotor           00 Days             2017-09-21
Notary             00 Days             2018-03-19
Rulekeepor         00 Days             2018-11-25
ADoP               00 Days             2019-07-02
Prime Minister     00 Days             2019-11-03
[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.


Office             Interest

ADoP               Efficiency
Arbitor            Justice
Assessor           Efficiency, Legislation
Herald             Participation
Notary             Economy
Prime Minister     Justice, Efficiency, Legislation, Participation, Economy
Promotor           Legislation
Referee            Justice
Registrar          Efficiency
Rulekeepor         Legislation, Participation
Tailor             Participation
Treasuror          Efficiency, Efficiency

ADoP                 Associate Director of Personnel

Wed, Jan 01 2020 (04:37:24) - Falsifian made a CoE on the ADoP's weekly report Wed, Jan 01 2020 (05:16:12) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Registrar's weekly report Wed, Jan 01 2020 (16:08:24) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Wed, Jan 01 2020 (16:08:24) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Registrar's weekly report Wed, Jan 01 2020 (16:46:42) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Wed, Jan 01 2020 (16:49:15) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Registrar's weekly report Wed, Jan 01 2020 (17:10:28) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report Wed, Jan 01 2020 (17:13:56) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Treasuror's weekly report
Sun, Jan 05 2020 (18:04:54) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
Sun, Jan 05 2020 (21:26:06) - Jason Cobb made a CoE on the ADoP's weekly report
Mon, Jan 06 2020 (19:13:20) - Alexis registered
Wed, Jan 08 2020 (16:47:08) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Thu, Jan 09 2020 (17:59:02) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Sat, Jan 11 2020 (05:25:10) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report Sat, Jan 11 2020 (05:30:02) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Treasuror's weekly report
Sat, Jan 11 2020 (16:54:43) - Falsifian initiated an election for Treasuror
Sat, Jan 11 2020 (16:57:42) - Falsifian initiated an election for Registrar
Sat, Jan 11 2020 (16:57:42) - Falsifian became a candidate for the Registrar election Sat, Jan 11 2020 (17:02:25) - Falsifian published the Registrar's monthly report Sat, Jan 11 2020 (22:40:26) - twg became a candidate for the Treasuror election Sat, Jan 11 2020 (22:50:15) - Gaelan became a candidate for the Registrar election
Sun, Jan 12 2020 (08:13:59) - Aris published the proposal pool
Sun, Jan 12 2020 (21:39:17) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Sun, Jan 12 2020 (23:15:18) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Sun, Jan 12 2020 (23:18:57) - Jason Cobb made a CoE on the Herald's weekly report
Sun, Jan 12 2020 (23:19:24) - G. made a CoE on the Herald's weekly report
Tue, Jan 14 2020 (00:59:29) - twg initiated an election for Referee
Tue, Jan 14 2020 (00:59:29) - twg became a candidate for the Referee election Tue, Jan 14 2020 (00:59:38) - twg deputised for Tailor and published the Tailor's monthly report
Tue, Jan 14 2020 (00:59:38) - twg published the Tailor's monthly report
Tue, Jan 14 2020 (01:04:46) - twg initiated an election for Tailor
Tue, Jan 14 2020 (01:04:46) - twg became a candidate for the Tailor election
Tue, Jan 14 2020 (01:27:29) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Tue, Jan 14 2020 (15:48:41) - Alexis became a candidate for the Referee election Thu, Jan 16 2020 (05:43:47) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report Thu, Jan 16 2020 (05:46:20) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report
Sun, Jan 19 2020 (21:07:17) - G. initiated an election for Herald
Sun, Jan 19 2020 (21:09:44) - G. published the Herald's monthly report
Sun, Jan 19 2020 (21:33:12) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Sun, Jan 19 2020 (23:04:28) - Alexis became a candidate for the Herald election
Mon, Jan 20 2020 (04:09:39) - Jason published the Short Logical Ruleset
Tue, Jan 21 2020 (03:22:56) - Aris published the proposal pool
Wed, Jan 22 2020 (02:52:53) - Comptrollor vacated by Rule 2597
Thu, Jan 23 2020 (04:22:59) - Falsifian published the Treasuror's weekly report Thu, Jan 23 2020 (04:26:12) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Thu, Jan 23 2020 (04:29:59) - Falsifian made a CoE on the Treasuror's weekly report
Thu, Jan 23 2020 (04:35:27) - Falsifian resigned from Treasuror
Fri, Jan 24 2020 (00:32:00) - Warrigal registered
Fri, Jan 24 2020 (14:44:59) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Fri, Jan 24 2020 (14:50:39) - G. resolved the Herald election, electing Alexis
Fri, Jan 24 2020 (17:05:52) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Fri, Jan 24 2020 (17:17:03) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Fri, Jan 24 2020 (17:47:25) - G. made a CoE on the Herald's weekly report
Sat, Jan 25 2020 (13:31:36) - R. Lee deregistered
Sat, Jan 25 2020 (16:29:40) - twg resolved the Treasuror election, electing twg Sat, Jan 25 2020 (19:54:56) - Alexis deputised for Prime Minister and appointed G. Speaker
Sat, Jan 25 2020 (19:54:56) - Alexis appointed G. to Speaker
Sun, Jan 26 2020 (03:28:00) - Jason Cobb changed name to Jason
Sun, Jan 26 2020 (07:05:35) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Tue, Jan 28 2020 (05:13:53) - Tcbapo registered
Tue, Jan 28 2020 (16:00:41) - twg published the Treasuror's weekly report
Tue, Jan 28 2020 (16:01:17) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Tue, Jan 28 2020 (16:55:30) - G. made a CoE on the Treasuror's weekly report
Wed, Jan 29 2020 (00:25:34) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - ADoP interest changed to Efficiency by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Arbitor interest changed to Justice by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Assessor interest changed to Efficiency, Legislation by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Herald interest changed to Participation by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Prime Minister interest changed to Justice, Efficiency, Legislation, Participation, Economy by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Promotor interest changed to Legislation by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Referee interest changed to Justice by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Registrar interest changed to Efficiency by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Rulekeepor interest changed to Legislation, Participation by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Tailor interest changed to Participation by Proposal 8291 Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Treasuror interest changed to Efficiency, Efficiency by Proposal 8291
Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Notary created by Proposal 8303
Wed, Jan 29 2020 (03:26:29) - Gaelan installed as Notary by Proposal 8303
Wed, Jan 29 2020 (16:42:27) - twg published the Treasuror's weekly report
Thu, Jan 30 2020 (01:17:13) - Gaelan published the Notary's weekly report
Thu, Jan 30 2020 (01:34:12) - Gaelan made a CoE on the Notary's weekly report
Thu, Jan 30 2020 (01:34:12) - Gaelan published the Notary's weekly report
Fri, Jan 31 2020 (02:29:03) - Aris published the proposal pool
Sat, Feb 01 2020 (18:37:34) - Alexis published the Herald's weekly report
Sat, Feb 01 2020 (19:34:18) - Gaelan made a CoE on the Herald's weekly report Sun, Feb 02 2020 (00:46:05) - Falsifian published the Registrar's monthly report
Wed, Feb 05 2020 (16:31:30) - twg published the Treasuror's weekly report
Wed, Feb 05 2020 (16:31:53) - twg published the Referee's weekly report
Wed, Feb 05 2020 (18:31:18) - Jason made a CoE on the Treasuror's weekly report
Wed, Feb 05 2020 (20:03:00) - twg published the Treasuror's weekly report
Thu, Feb 06 2020 (18:18:28) - Falsifian published the Registrar's weekly report
Sat, Feb 08 2020 (18:10:57) - Alexis appointed Falsifian to Speaker
Sat, Feb 08 2020 (18:10:57) - Alexis appointed Falsifian to Speaker
Sat, Feb 08 2020 (18:13:20) - Alexis published the Herald's monthly report
Sun, Feb 09 2020 (01:26:05) - Gaelan published the Notary's weekly report
Sun, Feb 09 2020 (01:28:18) - Jason made a CoE on the Notary's weekly report
Sun, Feb 09 2020 (01:29:24) - twg made a CoE on the Notary's weekly report
Sun, Feb 09 2020 (01:30:16) - Gaelan published the Notary's weekly report
Sun, Feb 09 2020 (01:38:36) - twg resolved the Tailor election, electing twg
Sun, Feb 09 2020 (08:58:03) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Sun, Feb 09 2020 (18:48:09) - Notary interest changed to Economy by Murphy

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