(This document is informational only and contains no game actions).

===============================  CFJ 3779  ===============================

      I am a candidate for Prime Minister.


Caller:                        twg

Judge:                         Jason Cobb
Judgement:                     FALSE



Called by twg:                                    06 Nov 2019 22:41:48
Assigned to Murphy:                               08 Nov 2019 16:59:15
Murphy Recused:                                   04 Dec 2019 16:53:24
Assigned to Jason Cobb:                           04 Dec 2019 16:53:24
Judged FALSE by Jason Cobb:                       06 Dec 2019 04:23:14


Caller's Evidence:

[Message from twg as it appeared]

On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 9:06 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 7:28 AM Kerim Aydin wrote:

> On 11/3/2019 10:31 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > I initiate an election for Prime Minister.
> I nominate myself for P.M., for the sake of having a contested > election, and I encourage other nominees. -G.

I stand for PM, in the interests of having fun and because it's
basically a tradition that G. and I both run at this point.


And my axe!

Election speech: "CFJ: I am a candidate for Prime Minister."


Judge Jason Cobb's Arguments:

It is undisputed that the nominations for the Prime Minister election had not closed at the time that twg (possibly) attempted to become a candidate in that election, so that criterion is fulfilled. Next, we must determine whether or not twg succeeded in becoming a candidate "by announcement".

Per Rule 478, as interpreted under CFJ 3781, twg can become a candidate by "unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs it." The phrase "and my axe" is not given meaning by the Rules, nor any other in-game document that I am aware of. While an unenlightened person (such as myself) could probably figure out the general meaning of the phrase from some Googling (as I have attempted), I find that the phrase "and my axe" is insufficiently clear and unambiguous to be EFFECTIVE in performing a by-announcement action.

Twg never became a candidate for the Prime Minister election, so e is not a candidate. FALSE.

Judge Jason Cobb's Evidence:

Rule 478/36:

Where the rules define an action that CAN be performed "by announcement", a person performs that action by unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs it.

Rule 2154/53:

After an election is initiated and until nominations close, any player CAN become a candidate by announcement.


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