The below CFJ is 3844.  I assign it to Murphy.


===============================  CFJ 3844  ===============================

      The destruction of the Bazinga asset would lead to the destruction
      of one or more rules, but for the Rule 'Agora is a Nomic'


Caller:                        Aris
Barred:                        Cuddlebeam

Judge:                         Murphy



Called by Aris:                                   11 Jun 2020 19:51:32
Assigned to Murphy:                               [now]


Caller's Evidence:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 Cuddlbeam wrote:
> I’m unsure how much power we have in “defining an entity” for the purposes
> of contract-defined Assets, but eh life is short, I’ll give it a shot.
> Also, this doesn’t violate DADA, rather, it aims to exploit it seeing how
> G. was punished for Dark Arts recently. It maybe even has support from AIAN
> but I have no idea. Anyways baby, let’s go.
> (About the Bazinga: it didn't exist as gamestate before this contract
> existed, right? With that specific name and all, which is a lot different
> from just the set alone, namelessly. So it exists by virtue of the
> contract. That's important for R2166.)
> I create the following contract called “Humble Agoran Moral Tripwire”:
> ----
> The set consisting of Cuddlebeam’s Master Switch and Agora’s Ruleset is
> defined to be the Bazinga entity. And, of course, there is only one
> Bazinga.
> The Bazinga is a destructible asset that can only be owned by Cuddlebeam
> and is owned by Cuddlebeam.
> The Bazinga is destroyed whenever any event described in the Big Evil List
> happens.
> The Big Evil List is:
>    -
>    Cuddlebeam’s Karma lowers
>    -
>    Cuddlebeam gains a Blot
>    -
>    Someone casts a vote of anything other than FOR, on any of Cuddlebeam’s
>    Proposals that have their title in all capital letters.
>    -
>    Someone other than Cuddlebeam performs a scam
>    -
>    Someone other than Cuddlebeam uses the trick involving Rule 2617 and/or
>    Rule 1698 that this contract employs.
>    -
>    This Contract ceases to exist by means other than Cuddlebeam’s own
>    Proposals.
>    -
>    This Contract is amended by means other than Cuddlebeam’s own actions.
>    -
>    Cuddlebeam ceases to be a Player.
> ----
> I submit the following Proposal, AI-1 with the title “HUMBLE AGORAN FARMER
> Upon enactment of this Proposal, Cuddlebeam wins the game, and “Humble
> Agoran Moral Tripwire” is destroyed.

Caller's Arguments:

CuddleBeam might have succeeded in making the Bazinga a private asset.
However, I find no authority in the rules that would allow em to make a
private asset that was also another entity (and if e failed to make it an
asset at all, that would be why; it depends on whether that failing is
separate from the asset creation failing). I find even less authority for
making it so that the destruction of an asset could repeal a rule, although
even if it could this attempt would likely fail because rule changes need
to happen in a defined order. Finally, Agora is a Nomic clearly intervenes
to stop the ruleset from being destroyed.

Short version: this clearly doesn't work, but the judge gets to explain
exactly why it doesn't work. Have fun, your honor.


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