(This document is informational only and contains no game actions).

===============================  CFJ 3865  ===============================

      I am no longer a party to Trigon's 6th secret contract.


Caller:                        R. Lee

Judge:                         Jason
Judgement:                     FALSE



Called by R. Lee:                                 08 Jul 2020 00:01:08
Assigned to Jason:                                08 Jul 2020 00:19:38
Judged FALSE by Jason:                            10 Jul 2020 00:16:09


Caller's Arguments:

That contract says in relevant part" "No party can leave this contract
until the Secret Action has been performed." which would seem to mandate
that I can't leave that contract before the action is performed (at the
time of calling it hasn't been). Having said that a contract is very
simply "an agreement between players", and I unambiguously don't agree to
that contract in any way, which means it's no longer a contract with me.

Caller's Evidence:

Me joining the contract referred to

The text of that contract
"Contract No. 6: BOON" (initial revision)

The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
party limit.

The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
to transfer assets.

Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least three cards when the
Secret Action is performed.

Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
other actions until the process is complete.

1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
3. Leave this contract.

The hashed Secret Action is:



Judge Jason's Arguments:


[All times UTC]

23:42 2020-06-19: Creation of the contract in question by Trigon, with
emself as the only party [0].

23:03 2020-07-07: Joining of the contract in question by R. Lee [1].

23:43 2020-07-07: Purported ceasing to be a party of the contract in
question by R. Lee [2].

00:01 2020-07-08: Calling of this CFJ [3].

The caller argues that due to a contract being "an agreement between
players", and em no longer agreeing with the terms of the contract, that
e is no longer party to the contract.

However, the caller ignores that becoming or ceasing to be a party to a
contract is a regulated action. Rule 1742 enables a person to cease
being a party with the consent of other parties, thus enabling its
performance under point (1) of R2125, and it describes circumstances
under which it would fail (when it would cause the parties of a contract
to become publicly unavailable) under point (2) of R2125.

This means that only methods described in the Rules can be used to cease
being a party to a contract, and that method is "with the consent of all
existing parties" due to precedent in CFJ 3850 [4]. Trigon (the other
party to the contract) had not consented to R. Lee leaving the contract,
so R. Lee COULD NOT do so. Judged FALSE.

Judge Jason's Evidence:






Rule 1742/22 [Excerpt]:

>       Any group of one or more consenting persons (the parties) may
>       publicly make an agreement among themselves with the intention
>       that it be binding upon them and be governed by the rules. Such
>       an agreement is known as a contract. A contract may be modified,
>       including by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all
>       existing parties. A contract may also be terminated with the
>       consent of all parties. A contract automatically terminates if the
>       number of parties to it falls below one. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a
>       person to become a party to a contract without eir consent.

>       Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause
>       the full provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly
>       unavailable is canceled and does not take effect.

Rule 2125/12:

>       An action is regulated by a body of law if (1) its performance is
>       limited, allowed, enabled, or permitted by that body of law; (2)
>       that body of law describes the circumstances under which it would
>       succeed or fail; or (3) it would, as part of its effect, modify
>       information for which some person bound by that body of law is
>       required, by that body of law, to be a recordkeepor.
>       If a body of law regulates an action, then to the extent that
>       doing so is within its scope, that body of law prevents the action
>       from being performed except as described within it, including by
>       limiting the methods to perform that action to those specified
>       within it. A body of law does not proscribe any action which it
>       does not regulate.


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