It is now after 00:00 UTC on July 24, 2020, so the eighth negotiating
phase has ended and the eighth orders phase has begun. Please submit
your orders if you have not already. Please remember to include
conditional orders for retreating because civil unrest never serves
nations well. Also, since this is the fall, please include construction
and disbandment.

There are two open proposals (Please vote on them as this is your last
opportunity! Also, please submit any proposals for the next turn before
24:00 UTC):

"for added confusion"
In the text "any Contestant CAN submit a proposal" in Rule 8, replace
"Contestant" with "person".

Enact a new rule with the following text:
Nations have the following "superpowers". (The names of the superpowers
are immaterial.)

* Austria: "Disruption field". Austria can issue the order "Disrupt X"
  to up to one unit each turn, where X is a territory reachable in one
  or two steps from that unit's territory (i.e. adjacent or adjacent to
  adjacent). The orders of the unit in territory X are overridden, and
  it is treated as having been ordered to "hold".

* England: "Super-strength". Any unit can convoy any number of other
  units. Specifically: when England gives a convoy order, they only need
  specify that the unit "Convoy" without specifying a source or
  destination, and any number of England's other units can move through
  territories with non-displaced convoying units.

* France: "Skin of stone". Any empty territory with an SC controlled by
  France is treated as having a French unit in it, unless a real French
  unit is ordered to move into it. For example, France can use a unit
  to support-hold an empty territory as if e had a unit there.

* Germany: "Explosive force". Whenever a German movement is ordered to
  move out of a territory with an SC controlled by Germany, that
  movement is treated as having one additional support.

* Italy: "Teleportation". When an Italian unit is at least three spaces
  away from every other Italian unit (i.e. it would take three movements
  to move between those territories), that unit is said to be
  "isolated". When a territory is empty and all its neighbouring
  territories are also empty, the territory is said to be "forgotten".
  For Italy's orders only, every isolated unit's territory is adjacent
  to every forgotten territory.

* Russia: "Elongated arms". For Russian orders only, Mos is adjacent to
  Boh, and the coast of Sev and the two costs of Stp are all adjacent.

* Turkey: "The ghost ship". If Turkey controls no supply centres, then e
  is still able to support one fleet, and if e does not have a fleet, e
  can build it (during the build stage) in any water territory. This
  exception does not apply if all three of Turkey's home SCs are
  controlled by the same Great Power.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

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