The below CFJ is 3885.  I assign it to G..


===============================  CFJ 3885  ===============================

      On or about 10:35:46 UTC on 4 Oct 2020, PSS published a
      self-ratifying report on the value of the instances of the Karma


Caller:                        Jason

Judge:                         G.



Called by Jason:                                  04 Oct 2020 22:10:43
Assigned to G.:                                   [now]


Caller's Evidence:

Possible "report":

Rule 2162/12 [Excerpt]:

      A type of switch is a property that the rules define as a switch,
      and specify the following:
            1. The type(s) of entity possessing an instance of that switch. No
         other entity possesses an instance of that switch.
            2. One or more possible values for instances of that switch,
         exactly one of which should be designated as the default. No
         values other than those listed are possible for instances of
         that switch, except that, if no default is specified, then
         rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the "null" value is a
         possible value for that switch, and is the default.
            3. Optionally, exactly one office whose holder tracks instances of
         that switch. That officer's (weekly, if not specified
         otherwise) report includes the value of each instance of that
         switch whose value is not its default value; a public document
         purporting to be this portion of that officer's report is
         self-ratifying, and implies that other instances are at their
         default value.

Rule 2379/0 (Power=1)
No News Is Some News

      If the rules define a report as including a list, then while that
      list is empty, that report includes the fact that it is empty.

Caller's Arguments:

For a switch report to be self-ratifying, it must "purport" to be the
switch portion of the officer's report. While the document itself does
not contain any text suggesting it is a report, the subject line does,
which may be enough to make the document purport to be a report.

The content may or may not qualify as being a report. The empty document
omits all instances of the switch and all values, which, if it was a
report, would imply that all values of the Karma switch have a default
value. However, this may contradict Rule 2379, since Rule 2162 could be
read as requiring a list of non-default values, even though it never
explicitly requires a "list". That would imply that no empty document
could ever purport to be a switch report, since it would either need to
include a list of non-default values or the fact that such a list is


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