This is a continuation of the Notary's weekly report. Information about
contracts can be found in a separate message.

==================== HISTORY OF PLEDGES & PROMISES =====================

20 Feb 2021: Falsifian destroyed the promise "Hopefully Last Assignment Fallback" w/o objection 20 Feb 2021: Falsifian destroyed the promise "Another Assginment Fallback" w/o objection 20 Feb 2021: Falsifian destroyed the promise "Assignment Fallback" w/o objection
17 Feb 2021: G. cashed an instance of the promise "Two by two"
14 Feb 2021: Falsifian created the promise "Hopefully Last Assignment Fallback"
14 Feb 2021: Jason cashed the promise created by Falsifian
14 Feb 2021: Falsifian created a promise
14 Feb 2021: Murphy granted nix the promise "Ratification compensation"
11 Feb 2021: Aris cashed the promise "Guess That Agoran"
08 Feb 2021: Trigon cashed the promise created by Jason
08 Feb 2021: Jason created a promise
08 Feb 2021: nix's pledge expired
06 Feb 2021: Jason cashed the promise nix granted em
06 Feb 2021: nix granted Jason a promise
06 Feb 2021: Jason cashed the promise created by Gaelan
04 Feb 2021: ATMunn[1] created the promise "Guess That Agoran"
03 Feb 2021: Falsifian cashed the promise nix granted em
03 Feb 2021: nix granted Falsifian an promise
03 Feb 2021: G. made the pledge "Rational dictatorship"
03 Feb 2021: Gaelan made the pledge "Keeping secrecy"
03 Feb 2021: Gaelan created a promise
02 Feb 2021: nix cashed the promise created by Aris
02 Feb 2021: Aris created a promise
02 Feb 2021: nix made a pledge
-- time of last report --
31 Jan 2021: Falsifian created the promise "Assignment fallback 2"
31 Jan 2021: Murphy created 10 of the promise "Two by two"
25 Jan 2021: The pledge "Seriously, y'all?" expired
-- 2 reports ago --
20 Jan 2021: Jason cashed the promise created by Aris
20 Jan 2021: Trigon cashed the promise Jason granted em
20 Jan 2021: Cuddlebeam cashed the promise Jason granted em
20 Jan 2021: Aris created a promise
20 Jan 2021: Jason granted Cuddlebeam a promise
20 Jan 2021: Jason granted Trigon a promise
16 Jan 2021: Falsifian created the promise "Assignment fallback"
09 Jan 2021: Gaelan cashed 1 of the promise "Agoran Exchange Testing"
09 Jan 2021: JTAC cashed 1 of the promise "Agoran Exchange Testing"
09 Jan 2021: Jason cashed 1 of the promise "Agoran Exchange Testing"
08 Jan 2021: Falsifian created 3 of the promise "Agoran Exchange Testing"
-- 3 reports ago --
06 Jan 2021: The pledge "Honest officiating" expired
05 Jan 2021: JTAC made the pledge "Referee Electoral Pledge"
14 Dec 2020: Lucidiot cashed the promise "Payroll workaround"

[1] Sent from the email address ""; this player
    was later revealed to be ATMunn.

=============================== PLEDGES ================================

If any pledge(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following 5 pledges exist:

"You can make it happen, R. Lee!" created by Gaelan
Time of creation: 11 Mar 04:16 2020
Time window:      1 year
Time of expiry:   11 Mar 04:16 2021

I pledge to transfer 100 coins to R. Lee by the end of this pledge’s
time window if Peter Suber registers as a player. The time window
for this pledge is one year.

"CFJ annotations please" created by Jason
Time of creation: 12 Oct 03:44 2020
Time window:      20 weeks
Time of expiry:   01 Mar 15:44 2021

I pledge to transfer 5 coins to players every time they publicly submit
a good-faith (as determined by me) attempt at a Rulekeepor CFJ
annotation, specifying the CFJ it came from, unless I have previously
"nullified" this pledge. The CFJ must have been first judged not more
than one year before the creation of this pledge. This pledge expires in
20 weeks or when it is nullified, whichever comes earlier.

"Referee Electoral Pledge" created by JTAC
Time of creation: 05 Jan 17:58 2021
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   06 Mar 17:58 2021

I pledge to announce my intent to enact the regulations detailed
below [1], proceeding to then enact them, if I win the election for the
office of Referee.

The performance of the actions in the preceding paragraph are
conditional upon them being permitted by the rules. The value of N in
this pledge is 3.


"Keeping secrecy" created by Gaelan
Time of creation: 03 Feb 07:33 2021
Time window:      until April 1, 2021
Time of expiry:   01 Apr 00:00 2021

I pledge not to reveal any information I may have gained due to people
assuming I joined this contract before I did. The time window for this
pledge is until April 1, 2021.

"Rational dictatorship" created by G.
Time of creation: 03 Feb 15:22 2021
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   04 Apr 15:22 2021

I pledge that I will not use the G.ravity regulations to
manipulate any office holding other than Prime Minister and possibly
Speaker.  Doing so to other offices would be stupid.

=============================== PROMISES ===============================

If any promise(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following 33 promises exist:

"Treasure" created by omd
Bearer: the Lost and Found Department

I pay 200 coins to the bearer

"Legislative for Justice v2" created by Murphy
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred or granted Murphy one
Legislative Card in the same message as which e cashes this promise, and
has not cashed any other promise between doing so and cashing this
promise, and Murphy has at least one Justice Card.

I transfer one Justice Card to the bearer.

"Legislative for Voting v2" created by Murphy
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred or granted Murphy one
Legislative Card in the same message as which e cashes this promise, and
has not cashed any other promise between doing so and cashing this
promise, and Murphy has at least one Voting Card.

I transfer one Voting Card to the bearer.

6 instances of the following promise exist:
"ROLL INITIATIVE" created by G.
Bearer: the Library

I (G.) transfer 10 coins to Cuddlebeam for the purpose of voting for the
AGORA QUEST option specified in this message by the bearer, provided the
bearer has not already cashed a ROLL INITIATIVE promise since Cuddlebeam's
last update, and provided the bearer is not Cuddlebeam.

"Open Trade" created by ATMunn
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions: The bearer transfers ATMunn one card of any type in
the same message in which e cashes this promise, and specifies one of
the following card types: Victory, Legislative, Justice, or Voting.

I grant the bearer the type of card e specified, specifying the office
of Prime Minister.

"Not Quite As Open Trade" created by ATMunn
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions: The bearer transfers ATMunn one card of any type in
the same message in which e cashes this promise, and specifies one of
the following card types: Victory or Voting.

I grant the bearer the type of card e specified, specifying the office
of Notary.

"Reverse auction" created by Murphy
Bearer: the Library

Terminology: The Bidding Period is the one-week period starting when
this promise was first transferred to the Library. A person's Bid
Amount is the smallest number of coins that e specified during the
Bidding Period for the purpose of cashing this promise.

Cashing condition: The Bidding Period has ended, and the bearer
transfers a pendant to Murphy in the same message in which e cashes
this promise, and eir Bid Amount is at most 30 and no higher than
any other person's Bid Amount.

Effect: Murphy transfers the bearer's Bid Amount to the bearer.

10 instances of the following promise exist:
"ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY" created by Murphy
Bearer: the Library

I (Murphy) transfer 10 coins to Cuddlebeam for the purpose of voting for
the AGORA QUEST option specified in this message by the bearer, provided
the bearer has not already cashed a ROLL INITIATIVE or ATTACK OF
OPPORTUNITY promise since Cuddlebeam's last update, and provided the
bearer is not Cuddlebeam.

9 instances of the following promise exist:
"Two by two" created by Murphy
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions:

    * If the bearer is me, then no other conditions need to be met.

    * The bearer specifies exactly one type of Card.

    * The bearer has transferred two of that Card to me earlier in the
      same message, without cashing any of my other promises or reducing
      my instances of that Card in between.

    * Before that transfer, I had less than four of that Card.

    * I now have at least four of that Card.

  If the bearer is me, then I do nothing; otherwise, I pay a set of four
  of that Card, then transfer half the resulting products to the bearer.

"Ratification compensation" created by Murphy
Bearer: nix

Cashing condition: The bearer transferred a pendant to me in the same

I grant a Voting Card to the bearer.

friendly neighborhood notary :)

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