Indictment Decision 00000000000002-A
Resolved:  That Cuddlebeam be convicted (found guilty) for Oathbreaking
(pledge cited in evidence).

Indictment Decision 00000000000002-B
Resolved:  That the indictment fine of 3 blots, as issued by the Referee,
be accepted.

I hereby initiate a referendum on each of the above Decisions.  Each
decision has a voting method of AI-majority, with AI=1.5.  The vote
collector is the Arbitor, the quorum is 4, valid options are FOR and
AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional votes).

Ordered pairs of votes for (A,B) above have the following meaning:

Guilty, and 3 blots is an appropriate penalty.

Guilty, but issue a different penalty (higher or lower).

Not Guilty, but if found guilty by total votes, 3 blots is appropriate.

Not Guilty, but if found guilty by total votes, issue a different penalty.


On 2/8/21 6:07 PM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
> I Point a Finger at Cuddlebeam for the crime of Oathbreaking for
> breaking the Oath made below.
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 12:04 AM Cuddle Beam <>
> wrote:
>> I pledge to give all of my VPs to Gaelan within 10 seconds of this
>> message being published, with an N of Oathbreaking of 0.

(by the Referee)

> I issue an Indictment against Cuddlebeam for the above violation,
> specifying a fine of 3 blots.
> I argue the Cuddlebeam ought to be convicted of this indictment because
> e has clearly violated Rule 2450 - e has even pointed eir finger at
> emself for doing so, meaning e has admitted the violation. In addition,
> this was clearly done in an attempt to earn a Justice card for having
> the most finger-pointings be resolved without Shenanigans, under Rule
> 2478. The fine of 3 blots is appropriate in order to discourage em from
> attempting such a stunt again, and to send a stern message to all
> Agorans that such simple attempts to illegally profit must not be
> tolerated.


On 3/8/2021 1:02 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
>  In my defense, I believe that the honorable Referee is being far too
> generous. I insist that my punishment must be at least 20 blots, with a
> further 10 blot penalty re-applied every month as community service so
> that I can help propel the stagnant Justice Card economy and make amends
> to the poor Agoran community. Only with a punishment of this magnitude -
> and dare I say that even this much is almost insufficient - can true
> Justice be imparted and the hearts of Agoran hearts all over the world
> be put at peace.
> I rest my case.

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