[From the Lab Notebook of the Mad Scientist, aka the Mad Scientist's
Weekly Report]

August 31  Breakthrough.  Version 1's failure no longer stares me in the
face (putting it in a nonexistent proposal was a bad idea).  Now it's
there, waiting to turn on.  After all these years: the Device.  Polished.
Stable.  Just need to flip the switch and collect data.  But ... so, so
tired.  It's been years.  Time for a break.  Can't think.  Need a break.
Just ... need ... to ... turn on the randomizer:

Rule 1769 (Holidays) [*]

Aha!  That's the solution.  turn the device on for a holiday.  Only way.

I intend, with Agoran Consent, to cause Rule 2655 to amend Rule 2654, by
appending the following list item[**] to the "device on" section:

      The week that contains the beginning of Agora's Device, together
      with the following week, is a Holiday.

[*] selected on Agora botspam discord channel, using the Rulekeepor's
random rule pick tool.

[**] contributed by Aspen (discord thread).

I transfer 5 BoC to Jason for creating said tool.
I transfer 1 BoC to Aspen for contributing the proposed sentence (in discord).
Also, I transfer 10 points (G.'s contract or whatever points) to Aspen.

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