> A computer is a great device because it enables you to do anything which
> is automatic, anything that you don't need your understanding for.
> Understanding is outside a computer. It doesn't understand.
> - Roger Penrose


Tracker of the Device's Weekly Report

        September 19, 2021

        The Device is: On

Current Device text (non-authorative)

      When the device is on:
        * click - hummmmmmm
        * The week that contains the beginning of Agora's Device,
          together with the following week, is a Holiday.

      When the device is off:
        * whirrrrrr - THUNK
        * By default, a device CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, enact,
          amend, or repeal a regulation for which e is the

30 Aug 2021 20:03:28  Created by Proposal 8599
04 Sep 2021 18:44:13  #1 On Clause starting "The week that" added.
10 Sep 2021 00:20:28  Flipped on by G.
19 Sep 2021 16:00:29  #2 Off Clause starting "By default, a device" added.


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