I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the unofficial 
Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the best of my knowledge, 
the choices listed below had the probabilities listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Stone          Owner         Escape Risk  Choices  Escapes?
-----          ------        -----------  -------  --------
Power          Jason          40%         NE
Wealth         Jason          50%         E        Escapes
Soul           Agora          50%         [Immune: Agora]
Sabotage       Agora          80%         [Immune: Agora]
Concentration  Agora          60%         [Immune: Agora]
Protection     G.             70%         [Immune: Protection]
Recursion      Agora          80%         [Immune: Agora]
Hot Potato     Agora         100%         [Immune: Agora]
Blank          Trigon          5%         NE/NE
Alchemy        Agora          70%         [Immune: Agora]

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