understand ur concern...
emang ada kejadian spt yg mas utarakan...

but, mrk cari cv gratis, buat database.
kalo cuma financial model gratisan, it's everywhere just google aja 
atau look Darmodaran aja disana banyak kok...
tp buat telco sy pikir itu akan sangat jarang dan learning curve 
agak lebih panjang dibanding industri lainnya.

So I need someone that actually can do the job. Lagipula, sy nggak 
mungkin disclose my email office ke 2700 member AKI khan :)

kontak saya aja dulu, kasih saya dummy sample, baru saya proses 
lebih lanjut..


--- In AhliKeuangan-Indonesia@yahoogroups.com, Wawan Taufiq Nasich 
> Just curious,
> Kok kirimnya ke email yahoo sih ?
> Mo cari financial model gratisan ya mas he he he ...
> Just my 2 cents,
> MR_W4W
> --- On Sun, 8/10/08, riomudjid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: riomudjid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [Keuangan] Financial Modeler - Junior Position
> > To: AhliKeuangan-Indonesia@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Sunday, August 10, 2008, 1:07 PM
> > Kepada Moderator,
> > mohon bantuannya, kalau diperbolehkan posting lowongan,
> > terima kasih..
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > Financial Modeler â€" Junior Position
> > For biggest GSM operator in Indonesia
> > 
> > The position is for Business Analyst Department and will
> > handle 
> > corporate plan and business operation scenarios.
> > 
> > 
> > Requirement:
> > Strong Education background in Accounting/Finance
> > Master Degree and Overseas Uni are preferred.
> > Enjoy working with complex spreadsheet (Excel) and some
> > knowledge of 
> > VB
> > 
> > If you know anyone that may interest it.
> > 
> > Please send CV and sample of your spreadsheet project from
> > past 
> > working experience or Uni project directly to me.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------
> > 
> > =========================
> > Join Facebook AKI dimana Anda bisa ber social interactive
> > sambil bermain games atau just have fun together. Compulsory
> > bagi new members start 1 Jan 2008.
> > http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6247303045
> > =========================
> > Perhatian: Diskusi yg baik adalah bila saling menghormati
> > pendapat yang ada. Anggota yang melanggar tata tertib millis
> > akan dikenakan sanksi tegas.
> > =========================
> > Arsip Milis AKI online, demi kenyamanan Anda semua
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/ahlikeuangan-
> > -------------------------
> > Untuk kenyamanan bersama, dalam hal me-reply posting,
> > potong/edit ekor posting sebelumnyaYahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> >     (Yahoo! ID required)
> > 
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

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