>If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to use an EXCEL
file as an input for Variowin Prevar. Obviously it won't work for several
reasons (a) Variowin uses the same file format as GEOEAS, a plain ASCII
file, (b) the data itself is in columns separated by spaces or commas, (c)
the variable names are in a header, there is also a line with a count for
the number of variables. You could however save the EXCEL as plain ASCII
and then use a text editor such as NOTEPAD to generate the required header
(Don't use WORDPAD, it will insert various
on-numeric items). The missing value indicator for GEOEAS is  .1E+32 or
1E+31. In the data columns don't include any non-numeric characters (it is
possible to have a last column of non-numeric characters, these must be in
single quotes and the program will ignore them.

Thanks Donald but it is more complex than that. I'm sorry if i wasn't
explicit enough in my question but i did create ASCII files to use with
variowin. I'm pretty familiar with that program and GeoEas. First i created
my ASCII files with Excel, then with Programmer's File Editor, and then
with the Notepad. None of them worked under Windows XP and Millenium.
Variowin kept reporting error while reading file. Then i went to GeoEas and
tried to make it read its own example.dat file and it couldn't under
Windows XP. I have come to the conclusion that due to methods to create
ASCII files under the new editions of Windows, after W98, programs that use
GeoEas data files are not able to read them any more.

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