On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Munroe, Darla K wrote:

> Look in any good analytical cartography textbook you can find - in
> discussion of symbolization, they should have the formula.  

The original paper is "Error on Choroplethic Maps: Definitions, 
Measurement, Reduction", G. F. Jenks & F. C. Caspall, Annals of the 
Association of American Geographers 61 (2), pp. 217-244 (1971); it is in 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tamas
> Sent: 8/9/03 7:07 AM
> Subject: AI-GEOSTATS: 
> Dear Members,
> Where can I find more details about the Jenk's(natural breaks)
> optimization  this used by Arcview-ESRI  to classify. Is this absolutly
> differ from Kolgomorov-Smir.
> Thanks for help.
> Janos Tamas
> University of Debrecen
> http//gisserver1.date.hu
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