Dear list members,

I have been calculating log-normal kriging for a data set using geoR.... and I obtained suspicious estimations... so I tried with another data set, and I got the same...
I am wondering that maybe there is another problem.... like the data not being strictly log-normal.. could this give such a huge variances?

Sample data is (min, mean and max):
0       23      314
std. error: 59.55

If I do OK, I get:
-6      31      218
std err.:
27      40      55

If I do log-OK I get:
0.52    37      333
std. err.:
2       140     584

Any ideia why I get such a huge variances when using log-normal kriging?
Is it a problem of the data distribution? Is there any possibility of a code bug???

Any comment will be muuuuch apreciated!

Thank you

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