Dear members of the list,

 Below is the summary of all answers for the sparse
data problem (sorry for the delay, I was out of my
email for a while). Thank you all for interesting and
meaningful answers. I'll let you know about further
developments in the problem solution.

Happy Holydays and season greetings to everybody.

With much appreciation,


From:  "Isobel Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add
to Address Book 
Subject: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: sparse data problem 
To: "Marcel_Vallée" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Everybody (especially Gali!)

Just to put the base case in perspective. Many
half-billion dollar projects in Southern Africa have
been evaluated and floated on the stock exchange on
the basis of 5 or 6 holes. When a sample costs a
couple of million dollars to acquire, there is little
point in hoping for more.

We use an extremely well sampled case in our (free)
tutorial analyses. Look for the GASA data which has 27
samples. An embarrassement of riches in the mid-1980s,
I can assure you. 

Isobel Clark

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Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 13:20:07 -0700 
From: "Donald E. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add
to Address Book 
To: "Gali Sirkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: sparse data problem 


For you information

There is no difference between RBF and kriging,  the
multiquadric is simply a particular choice of a
generalized covariance. In the geostatistics
literature, the RBF would be called "dual kriging".

Donald E. Myers

Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 14:11:42 -0500 
From: "Marcel_Vallée" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Add to Address Book 
To: "Gali Sirkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: sparse data problem 


Sorry for not responding earlier to your request.

Your explanatory comment to Monica does not convince
as a exploration and mining geologist. I think her
comments are 
wise and should be considered.

A 20x30 km area is a large one even when dealing with
uniform geology. Even in such conditions, different
may be encountered, either as faults, vein or
system, small intrusive bodies, mineral showings or
pollution zones, etc.

Such a small sample set as you have ["few (5-6)
original data 
points + interpolated external data"] that covering
whole study 
area] does not allow you to really appraise the
validity and/or 
the geological cause of this "outlier." (There might
be a 
sampling or assaying cause also).  In such a case, it
should be 
shown as an anomaly, not averaged out or kriged out.

Excluding sampling/analytical problems, the outlier
only has a 
"detection"value, meaning that the geology is not as
uniform as 
expected and that additional geological observations
and sampling 
in the vicinity is required to elucidate this problem.

We should view geostatistics as an ancillary tool to
understand a 
two or three dimensional "geological universe."
Whenever data ara 
as sparse as in your exemple, kriged values  should
not replace 
and/or eliminate the potential meaning of sparse field


Marcel Vallée


Marcel Vallée Eng., Geo.
Géoconseil Marcel Vallée Inc.
706 Routhier St
Québec, Québec,
Canada G1X 3J9
Tel:  (1) 418, 652, 3497

Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 18:52:47 +0100 
From: "Umberto Fracassi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add to
Address Book 
To: "Gali Sirkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: sparse data problem 

Hi Gali..

I got the info accessing the algorithm description in
Surfer 7.0 help.
That's the best reference I can offer:

CARLSON R.E. and FOLEY T.A., 1991, Radial Basis
Interpolation Methods on Track Data, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-JC-1074238

I found it launching a search on google...

Hope it helps!


Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 13:47:37 -0500 
From: "Yetta Jager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add to Address
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: sparse data problem 
To: "Gali Sirkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hi Gali,

I'd say 5 points isn't enough even for kriging with an
external drift 
one would need more than that for a regression.  If
you can get more 
say 25 points or so, that would be a feasible
solution.  However, since 
more common data is already interpolated, its not
clear why a kriging 
would be substituted for it -- just use your
regression directly to 
estimate the sparse variable.

Don't shoot the messenger!


From: "Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy"
Address Book 
To: "Gali Sirkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 18:39:30 -0000 
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: sparse data problem  

Hi Gali,

Now i have even more questions ;-) If the dataset from
which you 
have the interpolated data and your own data set
represent the 
same phenomenon, then why you don't add your data to
"original" data which was already krigged (but not the
values), and use this new data set for kriging. Of
course if you don't 
know these "original data" then ..... maybe you have
also the 
kriging standard deviation data. You can probably
safely hope that 
the points for which these kriging errors are minimal
are your 
"original" points, or very close to the original ones.
Now i guess 
you need to do some "digging" in the literature to be
sure this is a 
feasible idea.

Aside of that, you have to take into consideration the
fact that does 
not matter which method of kriging you use, the
extrapolated data 
have higher errors (usually) than the interpolated
ones. In fact if it 
was used simple kriging the extrapolated data at
distances greater 
than the range will tend to the distribution mean,
while for ordinary 
kriging will tend to the local neighbourhood mean. If
you used 
universal kriging then you may have very unrealistic
results for 
extrapolated data because they depend heavily on the
local trend 
modelled for that neighbourhood. So ... in any case
there is not a 
happy situation.

If i were you and have time in my hands i would use
the first set of 
data (the interpolated one) and i would try to the
best of my 
knowledge to extrapolate it over the area where you
have your 6 
values, and after i would look to see what is the
difference between 
the inferred data and the "real" ones. I am not sure
how i will 
interpret that now, but i am sure it might be very
useful to see what 
type of errors you may introduce. After i would
"build" a new data 
set with the "real" data you have and the "original"
data from the 
interpolated data (again not the interpolated data
itself)  and do a 
kriging on that, after which i would do a
cross-validation for the 
sparse "real" data you have and see what you are
coming up with. 

In either case i will do as much research as i can in
the nature of 
your outlier to have some physical base on which you
can decide if 
you want to include it in your data, or to consider it
as being a 
member of a different distribution, or whatever.


Gali Sirkis wrote:
> Hi Monica,
> thanks for quick reply. The interpolated data is a
> different data set with is by its nature (speaking
> about geological properties) should be correlated
> the sparse one. 
> This is a geological data over not huge area -
> 20x30 kilometers. It should have at least some
> correlation. The variogram is not of striking beauty
> :) but it is not a pure nugget effect, though. 
> The only other way meaningfully interpolate between
> those sparse points, it seems to use the simple
> regression between those two datasets.
> The literature about kriging/interpolating for very
> sparse data would definitely help, if anybody know
> about, please let know. 
> Thanks,
> Gali

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From: "Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy"
Address Book 
To: "Gali Sirkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 17:56:06 -0000 
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: sparse data problem  


I am not sure i understood correctly your question.
Fist of all, do 
the interpolated data have come from your sparse data 
interpolation? What method of interpolation did you
use in this 

After Burrough and McDonnel, 2000, you need at least
50 points to 
have reliable results through kriging. Certainly you
can do it on less 
data, but until now i never saw a study considering
this problem in 
depth (maybe there is literature out there, and if it
does and 
anybody knows about it - i would like to know it also

Secondly, if you know the outlier is not an error, but
you interpret it 
as representing a different combination of properties
than the rest 
of your data - i am not very sure it is wise to use it
together with 
your rest of the data in any interpolation exercise.
The outlier may 
represent a different population and in this case i
cannot see any 
"physical" reason to treat all your data together if
parts of the data 
represent different things. At least this is my

Besides, if your data is not only sparse (5 or 6 data
points .... it is 
really very sparse i think) but also far away in
space, they can be 
at distances grater than the spatial correlation
range, and in this 
case i really don't think you can use kriging .... you
will have either 
a pure nugget effect or a very high nugget value and
not a too high 
spatial correlation.



Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 18:35:33 +0100 
From: "Umberto Fracassi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add to
Address Book 
Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: sparse data problem 

Hi Gali,

may you not try with Radial Basis Function
(Multiquadric) instead of 
kriging? It's meant to be an exact interpolator,
although sometimes it 
doesn't fully honor your data. However, it's based on
the concept of 
track data which seems to me to suit the issue you
mention. I employ 
with macroseismic effects of historical earthquakes.
Since these data 
are sparse (and scarce and scattered..!) by
definition, this algorithm 
effectively pursues aligned pattern in the dataset.

Hope this may help...

Ciao and best regards,


Gali Sirkis wrote:

>Dear list members,
>Please advise what to do in following case:
> The sparse dataset for kriging inlcudes only few
>(5-6) original data points + interpolated external
>data, that covering whole study area.  
>One of the original data points seems completly not
>fit to the main correlation line between original and
>external data, however mostly probable is not an
>error, but might represent different combination of
>data properties. 
>Is there is any chance to use this outlying point?
>Does is sound feasible for you as specialists in
>statistical analysis to use the kriging method in
>Many thanks in advance for your help,
>Gali Sirkis


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