
I have a 3D data set that has been sampled by a private company. They
lacked a complete knowledge of geostatistics so there is no sampling
"strategy" involved. Another thing is that the support of the samples is
strongly fluctuating. Horizontally the sampling support is constant and
can be considered as a point (about 70cm^2 compared to a few hectares)
Vertically the sampling support is not stable and rather "huge" in
comparison with the vertical scale... (sampling can be 0.10 to 1 meter
and maximum depth would be 5 to 6 meter or even less)

I've read in the literature that there is a possibility to correct for
such a things, through regularization. But none of the literature seems
to discuss the possibility that the samples themself do not always have
the same support, as stated before samples can have a support that is 10
times bigger than the smallest sample. 

Question is... Is there any other literature that discusses this matter
and even more importantly is there any software out there that can take
this sampling support into consideration when I'm calculating the
variogram or when I start with estimation/simulation of the field.

Thanks in advance,

Samuel Verstraete
Ghent University
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Dept. of Soil Management and Soil Care
Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

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