
Not so banal a question. 34 years ago my supervisor
gave me some papers to read which said exactly that.
Even with a Master's in applied statistics, I could
not make head-nor-tail of the explanation. So I went
on a three week short course at Fontainebleau and they
explained it around the middle of the third week!

A very simplistic explanation: when you calculate an
ordinary covariance you have two columns of figures,
say variable g and f. The covariance between g and f
is calculated (in practice) by multiplying the two
columns together, summing the results and then
subtracting the product of the two means. Difficult to
do in a text email but:

Sum(g x f)/n - mean(g) x mean(f)

This is exactly equivalent to:

Sum (g-mean(g)x(f-mean(f))/n

{leave out the whole n or (n-1) debate at this point)

In a geostatistical context, g would be the value of a
sample (any sample). f would be the value of another
sample a specified distance away. That is, specify one
particular distance (h), find pairs of samples that
distance apart, first sample in pair is g (first
column), second sample in pair is f (second column).
Calculate covariance as above with the modification
that the mean of g and the mean of f will be the same.

Repeat for many different distances and you end up
with a graph of how the covariance of the values
varies with the distance between the samples.

I, personally, prefer the semi-variogram approach
because it is a lot easier to explain! Also, you do
not need to know (or estimate) the mean. More
explanations in free downloadable Practical
Geostatistics 1979,

If you have second order stationarity, the covariance
function is simply the sample value variance minus the

Does this help?

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