"Edzer J. Pebesma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>There has been some work on geostatistics on the sphere -- the 
>challenges faced here included, afaics (i) to find and use distance 
>functions, such as great circle distance, and a suitable earth model 
>(sphere or rather ellispsoid) and (ii) to find and use covariance 
>function that are positive defnite for the sphere or particular 
>ellipsoid used. The R packages fields (and recently, to some extent 
>gstat) do address some of these issues, but are constrained to be used 
>on Earth.
>I was watching Armageddon last night, and indeed the thing didn't come 
>close to a sphere or ellipsoid... great to hear someone is actually 
>worrying about kriging on meteorites. Beyond planetary geostatistics -- 
>this might be interstellar geostatistics?

hm !
If someone attempts to krige across the event horizon of a black hole,
please let the list know !

(sorry, not too helpful for Olumide)

>Could you show us a bit more how you do parameterize your particular 
>non-planar surface?
>sebastiano trevisani wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm not sure to understand what you mean when you say kriging on non 
>> planar surface.
>> If you are saying that you need to interpolate on to an irregular 
>> grid, both GSLIB and GSTAT (and so R) permit
>> you to interpolate whatever set of points.
>> Bye
>> Sebastiano T.
>> At 03.14 03/04/2007, Olumide wrote:
>>> Hello -
>>> (I'm  relatively new to the subject and to the forum.)
>>> Are there any methods for kriging non-planar surfaces that have no 
>>> natural parametrization e.g. a meteorite.
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Olumide
>>> +

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