Dear Olumide,

I would simply propose to use standard Kriging in 3D Euclidean Geometry. 

This solves the problem of a valid variogram model and the surface of a bone 
is not such rough that a 3D distance would lead to uncomparable distances.

With respect to surface distance approaches, it is by no means clear that the 
value in two indentions with a bump in between is more different than the 
values in the first indention and the value on top of the bump, because 
typically the processes on the surface have a longer correlation length then 
the structure of the bone itself. Thus a curved distance does not seam 
usefull in this situation. 

For kriging along the event horizon of black holes Riemannian geometry might 
do a better job ;-). But lets keep things simple.

Best regards,

Am Dienstag, 3. April 2007 03:14 schrieb Olumide:
> Hello -
> (I'm  relatively new to the subject and to the forum.)
> Are there any methods for kriging non-planar surfaces that have no
> natural parametrization e.g. a meteorite.
> Thanks,
> - Olumide
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