
I am not from software development background, but I feel that you can
check this website
it seems that the developer of this website has done something for
solving captchas. According to my understanding, Alok's approach is
similar to the one adopted by this one.

On 8/8/17, Alok Kaushik via Ai <ai@accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in> wrote:
> Hi Harish / Akash,
> Thanks  for  your response.
> Yes. I  completely agree that theoretically it is possible to  extract the
> alt text of the image and convert words in numbers. However, the  idea was
> to stop general bots, which would  still happen. It is  possible  to
> determine the  captcha programmatically provided that coding to target
> specific site is  done. I would myself not recommend this approach for  a
> site that is vastly popular, or has high stakes, in  which  case specific
> targeting  could  very well happen.
> There  are  many other  backend tracking and detection mechanisms that
> should be  implemented for  a high visibility / high stake  site. Amazon has
>  been able to keep intruders away even without  a captcha.
> OTP may be cited as one of  the  alternatives.
> However, solution has to be context specific, and many portals that are new
> or  have a relatively  low user base may not be able to opt mobile
> integration or deploy network level safety mechanisms.
> Sugamya  Pustakalaya  has a captcha that asks the  user  to add two numbers.
> While this  would suffice for  a general bot, it would not suffice if
> someone specifically targets  that site, and  codes to  determine the
> captcha. Hackers would indulge in custom coding if they have something to
> gain from it.
> Your observation is completely valid. We just need to decide context
> specific trade-offs.
> I may be sticking out  my  neck  and making a statement about future. I feel
>  that with the  emergence of AI / computer vision most captchas would not be
> safe in  near future, even if they are  just images. We may actually see
> image based captchas go away in the  time to come, and  something new may
> emerge.
> Thanks.
> Alok
> From: Ai [mailto:ai-boun...@accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in] On Behalf Of
> Kotian, H P via Ai
> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 2:17 PM
> To: Share, empower &Enrich
> Cc: Kotian, H P
> Subject: Re: [Ai] For software developers - creating custom accessible
> Hi Alok
> Just to bring to your attention, there is a security challenge in this
> approach.
> CAPTCHA is essentially used to fight against Bots and to prevent them from
> guess the CAPTCHA.
> As I see, you have the words placed in Alt text. It is not a big deal to
> read the alt text fromDocument object and convert the numbers in words back
> to numerals.
> Check it out.
> Harish.
> From: Ai [mailto:ai-boun...@accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in] On Behalf Of
> Alok Kaushik via Ai
> Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2017 8:49 AM
> To: ai@accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in
> Cc: Alok Kaushik <alok.li...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Ai] For software developers - creating custom accessible CAPTCHA
> Hi,
> In one of my recent software development works I created a CAPTCHA that is
> accessible for screen readers using the following approach.
> 1.       Generate a random 5 digit number.
> 2.       Generate an image containing the embedded 5 digit number. Image is
> programmatically generated and is  not an image that could be downloaded. 5
> digit number is communicated to the captcha generating code using
> encryption.
> 3.       Convert the complete 5 digit number in English words, including the
> words thousand and hundred.
> 4.       Assign the converted number in words as the alternate text of the
> image dynamically. This would allow the screen readers to read out the
> number in words, while  other users will see regular image.
> 5.       Track the random number as a session variable for later
> comparison.
> I am writing this for following two reasons.
> 1.       This approach seems to be working for me. Want to know if anyone
> sees any issue in this either in usability or security.
> 2.       If anyone doing software development is interested in implementing
> this, I can share the code off the list.
> Thanks.
> Alok
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