
I am trying to understand how to get the sender of the failed message in a 
supervisor. In this sample, there is a service that changes a string to 
upper case. I would like to return a "FailureToUpResponse" when the worker 
throws an exception. The service itself is being called from an ask from a 
play controller. Instead of getting the above class, I get a timeout. The 
line that I know is wrong is: context().sender().tell(new 
FailureToUpResponse(), self()); <- which returns the worker class and not 
the controller, but I cannot figure out the correct syntax. Here is the 
full class:

public class ServiceActor extends AbstractActor {
    private int count = 0;

    public ServiceActor() {
request -> {
                    Logger.debug("About service: " + self().toString() + " 
Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                    final ActorRef worker = 
context().actorOf(Props.create(Worker.class, count));
                    worker.forward(request, context());

    private SupervisorStrategy strategy =
            new OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration.create("1 minute"), 
                    match(IllegalArgumentException.class, e -> {
                        Logger.debug("E: " + e);
                        context().sender().tell(new FailureToUpResponse(), 
                        return stop();
                    matchAny(o -> escalate()).build());

    public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
        return strategy;

    public static class Worker extends AbstractActor {
        public Worker(int count) {
request -> {
                        Logger.debug("About me: " + self().toString() + " 
Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                        if(request.input.equals("error")) throw new 
IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle the word error!");
                        Logger.debug("Did the work: " + 
request.input.toUpperCase() + "-" + count);
                        final ToUpperResponse response = new 
ToUpperResponse(request.input, request.input.toUpperCase() + "-" + count);
                        sender().tell(response, self());

    public static class ToUpperRequest {
        public final String input;

        public ToUpperRequest(String input) {
            this.input = input;

    public static class ToUpperResponse {
        public final String input;
        public final String output;

        public ToUpperResponse(String input, String output) {
            this.input = input;
            this.output = output;

    public static class FailureToUpResponse {


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