I think whats being missed here is that Event Store doesn't only support 
this on a single stream/topic.

Its very useful when building read models as example to be able to read 
events from many streams (or all streams) joined in a way that gives global 
ordering (if on a single replication group) or deterministic ordering 
(historical) if on multiple replication groups.

As example you can imagine when writing you have 500,000 streams (one per 
inventory item). 
When building a projection you are interested in 5 event types:


Regardless of the initial stream they were written to. This is very common 
in these types of systems.



On Friday, July 25, 2014 7:20:02 PM UTC+3, Konrad Malawski wrote:
> Hello there,
> Ah, much better when able to communicate in full sentences without 140 
> chars limit! ;-)
> ( https://twitter.com/mrt1nz/status/492676432410447872 ) 
> So, now that it’s spelled out as full sentences, I’ll gladly dig into your 
> points:
> 1) 
> Has been already* proposed and accepted* in 
> https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/15004,
> including your +1, so I guess you’re aware that it’s in our backlog.
> The module is experimental and published “early” exactly in order to 
> gather,
> and implement these features before stabilising the APIs.
> So it’s coming, we simply have not yet gotten to implementing it - it’s 
> holiday season, which isn’t helping development speed :-)
> 2) 
> For the benefit of the discussion, example in EventStore: 
> http://geteventstore.com/blog/20130707/catch-up-subscriptions-with-the-event-store/
> One thing to keep in mind here is that some Journals would have no problem 
> implementing this, such as Kafka or EventStore - because it’s a built in 
> mechanism to “subscribe to something” in them… See Martin’s Kafka journal 
> and how one can subscribe to a event stream there: 
> https://github.com/krasserm/akka-persistence-kafka#journal-topics On the 
> other hand implementing this in other Journals would be pretty painful / 
> inefficient (cassandra, hbase, …).
> We were playing around with some ideas to expose optional db specific 
> journal functionalities. This would be a good candidate for this.
> This request seems to depend on these things by the way: 
> * changes in the journal plugins (we some changes there anyway 
> https://github.com/krasserm/akka-persistence-kafka#journal-topics ),
> * views over “tags" (as this would essentially be a view over “all”),
> * and lastly reactive-streams (views exposed as streams of events).
> Thanks for your feedback and keep in mind that no-one said that this 
> module is “done”.
> It’s still experimental and this kind of feature requests are exacly what 
> we need and will have to provide to make it stable and usable in all kinds 
> of apps.
> Lastly, would you mind creating a ticket for the 2) feature?
> Thanks in advance, have a nice weekend :-)
> <https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/15004>
> -- 
> Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
> hAkker @ typesafe
> http://akka.io

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