Hi Bartłomiej,

have you seen this article:

It deals with the "timeout hell" that you have described with an
introduction of per-request-actor. This would solve some of the
disadvantages that you have outlined in your solution. Mainly you will not
need to pass around context, because that can be saved in a

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Bartłomiej Szczepanik <mequ...@gmail.com>

> Dear Hakkers,
> In my current project I have experienced that ask pattern is a kind of
> awkward solution. I really like it for its elegance and readability but
> besides not very efficient implementation (spawning actor per each request)
> it introduces a phenomenon which I call `timeout hell`. It is really hard
> to introduce a consistent timeout for a user request when you use several
> ask requests in your pipeline.
> I have also seen that many people discourage from using that pattern and
> encourage to replace it with actor per request pattern. Personally I don't
> see any difference with the ask implementation with a new actor spawned
> each time. It would be great if someone convince me why it is different and
> better.
> I'm guessing the cause of this problem is not about the usage of the ask
> pattern itself but due to crappy, not reactive design of the system. I
> agree that the best is not to wait or block for anything. But currently I
> cannot use fully reactive pipeline with pushing events to GUI and so on.
> However, I'd like to block user only on HTTP request and be fully reactive
> in the rest of the pipeline. But still there is a problem. Let me describe
> it on a simple example.
> Let's say the backend can handle ChangeColorOfItem command. In the
> old-style application we probably would write something like (pseudocode):
> on(ChangeColorOfItem cmd) {
>      item = itemRepository.getById(cmd.itemId)
>      item.changeColorTo(cmd.getColor)
>      itemRepository.save(item)
> }
> It's easy for me to translate it to akka using ask pattern. But as I said,
> I would like to avoid it. I came up with several possible solutions:
> Fire and forget solution
> The idea is to move all but first steps to recipients of respective
> messages. For example the repository command retrieves the requested item
> and sends message to the retrieved item basing on the passed context. I
> don't like the idea because of scattering of business logic and hindering
> the reusability of components.
> Create an actor and split the business logic on multiple steps
> Something more sophisticated. Here's some sample of code:
> Receive = {
>   match msg @ ChangeColorOfItem(itemId, color) => {
>      itemRepository ! GetById(itemId, Context(sender, msg))
>   }
>   match RepositoryResponse(item: ActorRef, context) => {
>      item ! ChangeColorTo(context.msg.color, context)
>   }
>   match event @ ColorChanged(itemId, color, context) => {
>      itemRepository ! SaveEvent(event)
>   }
>   match ItemSaved(context) => {
>       context.sender ! ColorSuccessfullyChanged(context.msg.id,
> context.msg.color)
>   }
> }
> Advantages (comparing to ask pattern):
>    - The entire use case logic is still in one place (one actor)
>    - Timeouts handling moved on a higher level (e.g. REST interface
>    level) what enables easy timeout management per entire use case
>    - No problem with resource leaks when there is a timeout or heavy load
>    (no stale future objects in memory, only lightweight message)
> Disadvantages:
>    - Need to pass context explicitly all the time
>    - Logic is harder to read due to steps introduction (a little similar
>    to use of callbacks)
>    - Exclusive processing of steps that in fact don't need that
> Different ideas
> I was thinking about leveraging Futures for similar idea as above. I
> wanted to pass some kind of callback with the message and it's context to
> the next recipient. That allows me to keep code in one place (unfortunately
> in callbacks but still). However I think it is impossible to send a lambda
> in a message to the actor. Is that any workaround? If so, would you find
> this approach useful?
> Generally I would prefer to use a solution that keeps the idea of
> "application/use case service" which orchestrates the fine-grained classes
> and encapsulates use cases in the code in exactly one place. If you think
> it's impossible in reactive approach, please explain that and give some
> alternatives. I'd be very grateful for that.
> Best,
> Bartłomiej
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Martynas Mickevičius
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> – Reactive
<http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/> Apps on the JVM

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