This is something i've been wondering myself too.

In particular, I think there would be a LOT of potential awesome/benefit in 
being able to integrate Rails with Akka; be it JVM akka using ruby/rails as 
actors (since there tend to be a LOT more gem's published for random API's, 
etc), or a Rails based application farming work off to a more powerful JVM 
based backend for the heavy lifting.

I know I did stumble across an Akka/JRuby sort of hybrid, but as far as I 
could tell (with about 2min of looking) it wasn't really a generic solution 
to the problem.

Does anyone have a rough idea of what the complexity of looking into this 
might be? It would be really useful to know (even at a high/rough level) 
what the minimum requirements would be to implement a basic Actor that can 
talk to an established system, and whereabouts in code/doco we'd need to 
start looking to dig out the protocols/etc needing implementation.

My other thought in this regard (with absolutely no thought put into 
practicality/whether it would actually work) is that there could be some 
potential in cross compiling with something like LLVM.

- Glenn / devalias

On Monday, 4 August 2014 06:11:21 UTC+10, Josh Powers wrote:
> I am fairly new to the akka world, but I have erlang experience so the 
> concept isnt super foreign to me.  However I was curious if there was any 
> documentation lying around that would help me implement actors on a 
> separate platorm, specifically I was considering implementing an actor 
> framework for arduino, with the intention of individual arduinos being a 
> single actor, not for the purpose of parallelization because they are waaay 
> to slow to be useful but with the intention of using akka to manage a 
> network of arduinos from a computer each with its own specific task.  
> At any rate, I would need to understand a few things, first off, what does 
> the akka network stack look like, what is the protocol/api.
> Can an actor who was created by itself register with a central actor or 
> router etc?
> I am hoping to tie a couple of new mediums of communication in so that the 
> individual arduinos would be able to communicate amongst themselves as well 
> as to a scala/akka based central control.  
> Also, I am definately willing to hear reasons this is a terrible idea so 
> dont hessitate to let me know if I am missing something really imortant.
> Thanks!

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