Hi Markus,

thanks for this very thoughtful contribution! [comments inline]

31 aug 2014 kl. 15:05 skrev Markus H <m...@heckelmann.de>:

> Hi Roland,
> sounds great that you are pushing for the whole CQRS story.
> I'm just experimenting with akka and CQRS and have no production experience, 
> but I'm thinking about the concepts since some time. So please take my 
> comments with a big grain of salt and forgive me for making it sound somewhat 
> like a wish list. But I think if there is a time for wishes, it might be now.
> I feel the need to distinguish a little more between commands, querys, reads 
> and writes. 
> In a CQRS setup, I (conceptually) see three parts:
>     (1) the Command side: mainly eventsourced PersistentActors that build 
> little islands of consistency for changing the application state
>     (2) the link between the Command and Query side: the possibility to make 
> use of all or a subset of all events/messages written in (1) for building an 
> optimized query side (3) or even for updating other islands of consistency on 
> the Command side (other aggregates or bounded contexts) in (1)
>     (3) the Query side: keeping an eventually consistent view of the 
> application state in any form that is suitable for fast application queries
> From the 10000-foot view, we write to (1) and read from (3) but each of 
> (1),(2) and (3) has its own reads and writes:
>     (1) writes: -messages produced by the application to be persisted
>         reads: -consistent read of the persisted messages for actor replay
>            -stream of all messages (I think, that's what you mean by 
> SuperscalableTopic)
>     (2) writes: -at least conceptually: all messages of the all-messages 
> stream of (1)
>         reads: -different subsets of the all-messages stream that make sense 
> to different parts of our application
>     (3) writes: -any query-optimized form of our data that was read of some 
> sub-stream of (2)
>         reads: -whatever query the query-side datastore allows (SQL, fulltext 
> searches, graph walks etc.)
> While (1) is the current akka persistence implementation plus a way to get 
> all messages, (2) is more like the Event Bus (though I would name it 
> differently) in this picture from the axonframework documentation 
> (http://www.axonframework.org/docs/2.0/images/detailed-architecture-overview.png).
>  (1) and (2) could be done by one product like what eventstore does with its 
> projections or it could be different products like Cassandra for (1) and 
> Kafka for (2). (3) could be anything that holds data.

Yes, this is a very good summary.

> Some more detail:
> On (1): 
> As said before, the command side is fine as it is today to put messages into 
> the datastore and get them out again for persistent actors. I definitely 
> would consider replaying of messages for persistent actors part of the 
> command side, since the command side in itself has stronger consistency 
> requirements (consistentency within an aggregate) than the query side.        
> Additionally, as Ashley wrote, any actor should be able to push messages to 
> the all-messages stream. In contrast to persistent actors I dont' see any 
> need for replay here. Therefore and for other reasons (like message 
> deduplication in (2)) I would like to propose adding an extra unique ID 
> (UUID?) for any message handled by the command side, independent of an 
> actors' persistenceId (which would be needed for replays nevertheless).
> Also, I see the need to provide some guarantees for the all-messages stream. 
> I would consider an ordering guarantee for messages from the same actor and 
> an otherwise (at least roughly) timestamp based sorting a good compromise. 
> This would also be comparable to the guarantees that akka provides for 
> message sending. Ideally, the order stays the same for repeated reads of the 
> all-messages stream. With the guarantees mentioned before, if the datastore 
> keeps all messages of an actor on the same node, the all-messages stream 
> could even be created per datastore node.
> On (2): 
> As mentioned above, I see the QueryByPersistenceId as part of (1) as it 
> requires stronger consistency guarantees. All other QueryByWhatever are all 
> about the question, how to retrieve the right subset of messages from the 
> all-messages stream for the application and its domain. This of course 
> differs by application and domain. Therefore I like Martin's 
> QueryByStream(name, ...), where a stream is any subset of messages the 
> application cares about. 
> I also think it should not be up to the datastore to decide what streams to 
> offer. I also can't really imagine how this should work in most datastores. 
> While there might be some named index on top of JSON messages in MongoDB that 
> can be served as as stream, I don't see how to create a stream/view/index in 
> Key-Value stores or RDBMS where a message is probably persisted as byte array 
> whithout any knowledge of the application.
> To tell the datastore what streams to offer, I would consider something like 
> projections in eventstore or user-defined topics in Martin's 
> kafka-persistence that are driven by the application. In the simplest form it 
> could be a projection function like
> Message => Seq[String]
> that is applied to each message of the all-messages stream, which taskes a 
> message and gives back Strings of sub-stream-IDs. This could be anything from 
> the type-name to the persistenceId of an actor to a property of the message. 
> So it feels a little like "tagging on the read side" or more precisely 
> "tagging on the way from the command to the query side". New messages should 
> be added to the sub-streams as they arrive in the all-messages stream. This 
> could probably be done in any datastore that can keep another index based on 
> message IDs (if IDs are added on the command side) and is adjustable with 
> application needs.
> The interface for (2) could allow new projections that could be run against 
> the all-messages stream or any sub-stream at any later time. A PersistentView 
> could just track one of the projected sub-streams. 

This is the one point that is still difficult to settle on. Classifying events 
can be done in three locations:
on their way into storage; this means that it is done by the write-side (with 
all implied restrictions)
within the storage; this implies that the storage can interpret that data
on their way back into the application; this can be huge overhead
The third one is the only possibility that allows after-the-fact tagging 
without forcing the storage back-end to be able to interpret both the data and 
the user-supplied classification function. Unless I am missing something we 
will need to settle for this unsatisfying solution—at least for now.

> For datastore implementations this would bring the minimum requirement to 
> construct sub-streams as told by the application and serve streams by name.
> On (3):
> On the query side of the application I see anything, that holds a view of the 
> data written on the command side and allows querying/consuming by some 
> criteria. As you wrote in your post, the variety of datastores is huge and 
> I'm not sure if the set of common queries is very big. I like the idea of 
> ad-hoc querying you proposed as it is a much more messaging like way to query 
> datastores but I see disperate sets of standardized queries per datastore 
> type (graph dbs, rdbms, key-value etc.) that focus on the datatsore conceps 
> (tables and rows in rdbms, nodes and edges in graph dbs - something like 
> QueryById(id, table) for RDBMS etc.) and not on messages. I would very much 
> like to see this kind of datastore querying but I don't think it's neccessary 
> for CQRS setups with akka.

Yes, the read-side as defined by your (3) is out of scope for Akka Persistence.

> As a user of a full akka-cqrs-solution the points to provide application 
> logic could be
>     - which messages to persist in (1)
>     - which projections to make for the application in (2)
>     - which project streams to consume from (2) in order to trigger anything 
> from query-side updates to creation of new commands for other aggregates to 
> updating a view in someone's browser

Exactly right, this fully matches my understanding of which features Akka 
Persistence should provide.


Dr. Roland Kuhn
Akka Tech Lead
Typesafe – Reactive apps on the JVM.
twitter: @rolandkuhn

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