That is a great point Greg.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 10:15 PM, Greg Young <> wrote:

> "The consistency of the query model should be achieved as soon as
> possible and close to real-time."
> It really depends on the domain. I have worked in many situations
> where the data in question would be perfectly fine updated once per
> month.
> " (e.g. adding a sold out item to the shopping cart)."
> This is a funny example because it shows not that you need to update
> read models more quickly but that you need to get the whole business
> on board. Remember that computer systems are normally part of a larger
> system fulfilling business needs. It really is a mind shift moving to
> eventual consistency.
> In the example of adding a sold out item... why stop it? Does it
> matter that we don't have any of this item? The real question is how
> quickly we can get it and if its worth our while to do so. To be fair
> 30 years ago these times were much much higher than what we talk about
> today and yet businesses still managed to work their way through
> things.
> For many of these types allowing things to go incorrectly is actually
> a good thing (overbooked seats on an airline, overdraft charges at
> banks...). To really be benefiting from eventual consistency the whole
> business process must recognize it. In terms of handling failures they
> are normally handled in a reactive not a preventative manner (like
> most business problems). Detect the failure, let a human deal with it.
> At the end of the day the primary role of the computer system is to
> take workload off of humans. You will hit the law of diminishing
> returns. dont try to solve every problem :)
> Greg
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Sebastian Bach
> <> wrote:
> > Hi Roland,
> >
> > one thing to keep in mind in the CQRS/ES architecture is that not only
> the
> > query side depends on the command side (by following the event stream)
> but
> > also the command side depends on the query side for validation of complex
> > business rules. This has a deep impact on correctness and throughput.
> > Validation checks on an potentially outdated query model in an eventually
> > consistent architecture is a hard problem (e.g. adding a sold out item to
> > the shopping cart). The consistency of the query model should be
> achieved as
> > soon as possible and close to real-time. A PersistentView in Akka has a
> > default of 5s? On the other hand the speed of validation depends on the
> > speed of the queries. And the throughput depends on the validation speed.
> > Thus, queries directly on the whole event stream are less useful than
> > persistent projections.
> >
> > Keep up the good work :)
> > Cheers
> > Sebastian
> >
> >
> > W dniu wtorek, 7 października 2014 07:32:20 UTC+2 użytkownik rkuhn
> napisał:
> >>
> >> Hi Vaughn,
> >>
> >> from our side nothing has happened yet: my conclusion is that this
> thread
> >> contains all the information we need when we start working on this. The
> >> reason why we are waiting is that this work will depend heavily upon
> Akka
> >> Streams and therefore we are finishing those first, which should take
> >> roughly one month. Meanwhile, if use cases come up which could be used
> to
> >> refine the plans, please point them out here so that we can take all the
> >> inputs into account.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Roland
> >>
> >> 6 okt 2014 kl. 20:09 skrev Vaughn Vernon <>:
> >>
> >> Hi Roland,
> >>
> >> I's been a month this the last update on this and I have lost track of
> the
> >> status.
> >>
> >> Can you provide an update on where this stands? Is there a more recent
> >> akka-persistence build that supports the conclusions reached in this
> >> discussion? If so, what is the release number? If no, when is will the
> >> proposed features be released?
> >>
> >> Best,
> >> Vaughn
> >>
> >> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 1:09 AM, Roland Kuhn <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Attempting a second round-up of what shall go into tickets, in addition
> >>> to my first summary we need to:
> >>>
> >>> predefine trait JournalQuery with minimal semantics (to make the
> Journal
> >>> support discoverable at runtime)
> >>> predefine queries for named streams since that is universally useful;
> >>> these are separate from PersistenceID queries due to different
> consistency
> >>> requirements
> >>> add support for write-side tags (see below)
> >>> add a comprehensive PersistenceTestKit which supports the fabrication
> of
> >>> arbitrary event streams for both PersistentActor and read-side
> verification
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Ashley, your challenge about considering non-ES write-sides is one
> that I
> >>> think we might not take up: the scope of Akka Persistence is to support
> >>> persistent Actors and their interactions, therefore I believe we
> should be
> >>> opinionated about how we achieve that. If you want to use CQRS without
> ES
> >>> then Akka might just not be for you (for some values of “you”, not
> >>> necessarily you ;-) ).
> >>>
> >>> Now why tags? My previous conclusion was that burdening the write-side
> >>> with generating them goes counter to the spirit of ES in that this
> tagging
> >>> should well be possible after the fact. The problem is that that can be
> >>> extremely costly, so spawning a particular query on the read-side
> should not
> >>> implicitly replay all events of all time, that has the potential of
> bringing
> >>> down the whole system due to overload. I still think that stores might
> want
> >>> to offer this feature under the covers—i.e. not accessible via Akka
> >>> Persistence standard APIs—but for those that cannot we need to provide
> >>> something else. The most prominent use of tags will probably be that
> each
> >>> kind of PersistentActor has its own tag, solving the type issue as
> well (as
> >>> brought up by Alex and Olger). In summary, write-side tags are just an
> >>> optimization.
> >>>
> >>> Concerning the ability to publish to arbitrary topics from any Actor I
> am
> >>> on the fence: this is a powerful feature that can be quite a burden to
> >>> implement. What we are defining here is—again—Akka Persistence,
> meaning that
> >>> all things that are journaled are intended to stay there eternally.
> Using
> >>> this to realize a (usually ephemeral) event bus is probably going to
> suffer
> >>> from impedance mismatches, as witnessed by previous questions
> concerning the
> >>> efficiency of deleting log entries—something that should really not be
> done
> >>> in the intended use-cases. So, if an Actor wants to persist an Event
> to make
> >>> it part of the journaled event stream, then I’d argue that that Actor
> is at
> >>> least conceptually a PersistentActor. What is wrong with requiring it
> to be
> >>> one also in practice? The only thing that we might want to add is that
> >>> recovery (i.e. the write-side reading of events) can be opted out of.
> >>> Thoughts?
> >>>
> >>> For everything going beyond the above I’d say we should wait and see
> what
> >>> extensions are provided by Journal implementations and how well they
> work in
> >>> practice.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>>
> >>> Roland
> >>>
> >>> 27 aug 2014 kl. 16:34 skrev Roland Kuhn <>:
> >>>
> >>> Dear hakkers,
> >>>
> >>> there have been several very interesting, educational and productive
> >>> threads in the past weeks (e.g. here and here). We have taken some
> time to
> >>> distill the essential problems as well as discuss the proposed
> solutions and
> >>> below is my attempt at a summary. In the very likely case that I missed
> >>> something, by all means please raise your voice. The intention for this
> >>> thread is to end with a set of github issues for making Akka
> Persistence as
> >>> closely aligned with CQRS/ES principles as we can make it.
> >>>
> >>> As Greg and others have confirmed, the write-side (PersistentActor) is
> >>> already doing a very good job, so we do not see a need to change
> anything at
> >>> this point. My earlier proposal of adding specific topics as well as
> the
> >>> discussed labels or tags all feel a bit wrong since they benefit only
> the
> >>> read-side and should therefore not be a concern/duty of the write-side.
> >>>
> >>> On the read-side we came to the conclusion that PersistentView
> basically
> >>> does nearly the right thing, but it focuses on the wrong aspect: it
> seems
> >>> most suited to track a single PersistentActor with some slack, but
> also not
> >>> with back-pressure as a first-class citizen (it is possible to achieve
> it,
> >>> albeit not trivial). What we distilled as the core functionality for a
> >>> read-side actor is the following:
> >>>
> >>> it can ask for a certain set of events
> >>> it consumes the resulting event stream on its own schedule
> >>> it can be stateful and persistent on its own
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> This does not preclude populating e.g. a graph database or a SQL store
> >>> directly from the journal back-end via Spark, but we do see the need to
> >>> allow Akka Actors to be used to implement such a projection.
> >>>
> >>> Starting from the bottom up, allowing the read-side to be a
> >>> PersistentActor in itself means that receiving Events should not
> require a
> >>> mixin trait like PersistentView. The next bullet point means that the
> Event
> >>> stream must be properly back-pressured, and we have a technology under
> >>> development that is predestined for such an endeavor: Akka Streams. So
> the
> >>> proposal is that any Actor can obtain the ActorRef for a given Journal
> and
> >>> send it a request for the event stream it wants, and in response it
> will get
> >>> a message containing a stream (i.e. Flow) of events and some
> >>> meta-information to go with it.
> >>>
> >>> The question that remains at this point is what exactly it means to
> “ask
> >>> for a certain set of events”. In order to keep the number of
> abstractions
> >>> minimal, the first use-case for this feature is the recovery of a
> >>> PersistentActor. Each Journal will probably support different kinds of
> >>> queries, but it must for this use-case respond to
> >>>
> >>> case class QueryByPersistenceId(id: String, fromSeqNr: Long, toSeqNr:
> >>> Long)
> >>>
> >>> with something like
> >>>
> >>> case class EventStreamOffer(metadata: Metadata, stream:
> >>> Flow[PersistentMsg])
> >>>
> >>> The metadata allows the recipient to correlate this offer with the
> >>> corresponding request and it contains other information as we will see
> in
> >>> the following.
> >>>
> >>> Another way to ask for events was discussed as Topics or Labels or Tags
> >>> in the previous threads, and the idea was that the generated stream of
> all
> >>> events was enriched by qualifiers that allow the Journal to construct a
> >>> materialized view (e.g. a separate queue that copies all events of a
> given
> >>> type). This view then has a name that is requested from the read-side
> in
> >>> order to e.g. have an Actor that keeps track of certain aspects of all
> >>> persistent ShoppingCarts in a retail application. As I said above we
> think
> >>> that this concern should be handled outside of the write-side because
> >>> logically it does not belong there. Its closest cousin is the
> construction
> >>> of an additional index or view within a SQL store, maintained by the
> >>> upon request from the DBA, but available to and relied upon by the
> >>> read-side. We propose that this is also how this should work with Akka
> >>> Persistence: the Journal is free to allow the configuration of
> materialized
> >>> views that can be requested as event streams by name. The extraction
> of the
> >>> indexing characteristics is performed by the Journal or its backing
> store,
> >>> outside the scope of the Journal SPI; one example of doing it this way
> has
> >>> been implemented by Martin already. We propose to access the auxiliary
> >>> streams by something like
> >>>
> >>> case class QueryKafkaTopic(name: String, fromSeqNr: Long, toSeqNr:
> Long)
> >>>
> >>> Sequence numbers are necessary for deterministic replay/consumption. We
> >>> had long discussions about the scalability implications, which is the
> reason
> >>> why we propose to leave such queries proprietary to the Journal
> backend.
> >>> Assuming a perfectly scalable (but then of course not real-time
> >>> linearizable) Journal, the query might allow only
> >>>
> >>> case class QuerySuperscalableTopic(name: String, fromTime: DateTime)
> >>>
> >>> This will try to give you all events that were recorded after the given
> >>> moment, but replay will not be deterministic, there will not be unique
> >>> sequence numbers. These properties will be reflected in the Metadata
> that
> >>> comes with the EventStreamOffer.
> >>>
> >>> The last way to ask for events is to select them using an arbitrarily
> >>> powerful query at runtime, probably with dynamic parameters so that it
> >>> cannot be prepared or materialized while writing the log. Whether and
> how
> >>> this is supported by the Journal depends on the precise back-end, and
> this
> >>> is very much deliberate: we want to allow the Journal implementations
> to
> >>> focus on different use-cases and offer different feature trade-offs.
> If a
> >>> RDBMS is used, then things will naturally be linearized, but less
> scalable,
> >>> for example. Document databases can extract a different set of
> features than
> >>> when storing BLOBs in Oracle, etc. The user-facing API would be
> defined by
> >>> each Journal implementation and could include
> >>>
> >>> case class QueryEventStoreJS(javascriptCode: String)
> >>> case class QueryByProperty(jsonKey: String, value: String, since:
> >>> DateTime)
> >>> case class QueryByType(clazz: Class[_], fromSeqNr: Long, toSeqNr: Long)
> >>> case class QueryNewStreams(fromSeqNr: Long, toSeqNr: Long)
> >>>
> >>> The last one should elegantly solve the use-case of wanting to catalog
> >>> which persistenceIds are valid in the Journal (which has been requested
> >>> several times as well). As discussed for the SuperscalableTopic, each
> >>> Journal would be free to decide whether it wants to implement
> deterministic
> >>> replay, etc.
> >>>
> >>> Properly modeling streams of events as Akka Streams feels like a
> >>> consistent way forward, it also allows non-actor code to be employed
> for
> >>> doing stream processing on the resulting event streams, including
> merging
> >>> multiple of them or feeding events into Spark—the possibilities are
> >>> boundless. I’m quite excited by this new perspective and look forward
> to
> >>> your feedback on how well this helps Akka users implement the Q in
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Dr. Roland Kuhn
> >>> Akka Tech Lead
> >>> Typesafe – Reactive apps on the JVM.
> >>> twitter: @rolandkuhn
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
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> >>> >>>>>>>>>>
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> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Dr. Roland Kuhn
> >>> Akka Tech Lead
> >>> Typesafe – Reactive apps on the JVM.
> >>> twitter: @rolandkuhn
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Dr. Roland Kuhn
> >> Akka Tech Lead
> >> Typesafe – Reactive apps on the JVM.
> >> twitter: @rolandkuhn
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
> Studying for the Turing test
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*Jonas Bonér*
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