> 9 jan 2015 kl. 18:10 skrev Ferdinand Hübner <ferdinand.hueb...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Patrik,
> thank you for the reply.
>> On Friday, January 9, 2015 at 9:49:40 AM UTC+1, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
>> Let me try to understand your original problem. You send a request with ask 
>> to an Actor with AtLeastOnceDelivery. There you reply to the sender() using 
>> the deliver method (and the path of the sender()). Is that what you are 
>> doing?
> Yes, that is what I'm doing. I'm passing the sender() ActorRef to other 
> actors until I am able to reply to it with deliver. When I reply with 
> delivery, I call path on the ActorRef.
> In my service layer, I would send a confirmation using tell with 
> ActorRef.noSender once the future from AskSupport completes.

That is not going to work. Let's say that the confirmation message is lost. 
Then AtLeastOnceDelivery will resend it to the path of the PromiseActorRef 
(created by ask), but that is already completed and the resent message will go 
to deadLetters, and be retried again.

Would it be possible to implement it without ask?

> To be honest, I'm not sure If what I'm doing is weird somehow because of the 
> temporary actor from AskSupport (I'm experimenting/prototyping). I'm 
> uncertain what would happen upon re-delivery, I guess a dead letter. 
> What perplexes me is that you cannot tell an ActorSelection if you create it 
> by calling path on an ActorRef from AskSupport. Is this by design?

I don't think we have thought of replying to an ask via an actor selection, 
because we have not thought of a use case where it would be needed.

> Ferdinand
> -- 
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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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