Thanks for the pointers Endre,  I’ll explore those ideas.


> On Jan 22, 2015, at 4:02 AM, Endre Varga <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Frank Sauer < 
> <>> wrote:
> Update, in a simple test scenario like so 
>   val ticks = Source(1 second, 1 second, () => "Hello")
>   val flow = ticks.transform(() => new FilterFor[String](10 seconds)(x => 
> true)).to(Sink.foreach(println(_)))
> I'm seeing the following error, so this doesn't work at all and I'm not sure 
> it is because of threading:
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
>       at 
> experiments.streams.time$FilterFor$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(time.scala:46)
>       at$$anon$
>       at 
> scala.concurrent.impl.ExecutionContextImpl$AdaptedForkJoinTask.exec(ExecutionContextImpl.scala:121)
>       at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
>       at 
> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(
>       at 
> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
>       at 
> I think I'm violating the one very important rule mentioned in the docs - 
> when the timer fires it calls a push on the context but there is also a pull 
> going on concurrently(?) - and this is indeed breaking in spectacular ways as 
> expected.... 
> :)
> I have no idea how to implement this correctly. It looked pretty simple at 
> first, but alas... 
> See my previous mail. The main problem here is mixing backpressured streams 
> (your data) and non-backpressured events (timer triggers) in a safe fashion. 
> Well, the main problem is not how to implement it, but how to expose an API 
> to users which is as safe as possible. We have groupedWithin, takeWithin and 
> dropWithin as timer based ops, but no customization for now.
> -Endre
> On Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 8:51:21 PM UTC-5, Frank Sauer wrote:
> Thanks, I came up with the following, but I have some questions:
> /**
>    * Holds elements of type A for a given finite duration after a predicate p 
> first yields true and as long as subsequent
>    * elements matching that first element (e.g. are equal) still satisfy the 
> predicate. If a matching element arrives during
>    * the given FiniteDuration for which the predicate p does not hold, the 
> original element will NOT be pushed downstream.
>    * Only when the timer expires and no matching elements have been seen for 
> which p does not hold, will elem be pushed
>    * downstream.
>    *
>    * @param duration The polling interval during which p has to hold true
>    * @param p        The predicate that has to remain true during the duration
>    * @param system   implicit required to schedule timers
>    * @tparam A       type of the elements
>    */
>   class FilterFor[A](duration : FiniteDuration)(p: A => Boolean)(implicit 
> system: ActorSystem) extends PushStage[A,A] {
>     var state : Map[A,Cancellable] = Map.empty
>     override def onPush(elem: A, ctx: Context[A]): Directive = 
> state.get(elem) match {
>       case Some(timer) if !p(elem) => // pending timer but condition no 
> longer holds => cancel timer
>          timer.cancel()
>          state = state - elem
>          ctx.pull()
>        case None if p(elem) => // no pending timer and predicate true -> 
> start and cache new timer
>          val timer = system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(duration) {
>            // when timer fires, remove from state and push elem downstream
>            state = state - elem
>            ctx.push(elem); // is this safe?
>          }
>          state = state + (elem -> timer)
>          ctx.pull()
>        case _ => ctx.pull() // otherwise simply wait for the next upstream 
> element
>     }
>   }
> My main concerns are these:
> 1) Is it safe to invoke ctx.push from the thread on which the timer fires?
> 2) How do I react to upstream or downstream finish or cancel events - do I 
> have to?
> 3) Can I integrate this into the DSL without using transform, e.g. can I 
> somehow add a filterFor method on something via a pimp my library?
> Any and all pointers would be very much appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Frank
> On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 11:52:03 AM UTC-5, Akka Team wrote:
> Hi Frank!
> We do not have such operations off-the-shelf, however they are easily 
> implementable by using custom stream processing stages:
> <>
> Be sure to refer to the cookbook for some inspiration on how to implement 
> your own stages:
> <>
> Hope this helps, and feel free to ask for help in case you get stuck :-)
> -- 
> Konrad
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:57 AM, Frank Sauer < <>> wrote:
> I have two uses cases that I'm used to from using CEP systems like Esper and 
> I'm trying to figure out if I can implements them (easily) with Akka Streams:
> 1) test if in a stream of events ALL new events satisfy some predicate during 
> some finite interval of time, which starts at the time the predicate yields 
> true the first time. This is useful to generate alerts on a stream of 
> measurements but only if some faulty condition persists for some given time. 
> 2) test is some event does NOT occur after some other event within some 
> finite duration 
> My question is if these are supported by existing aka streams flow graph DSL 
> elements or if a custom transformer is required. If the latter, I'd 
> appreciate any pointers on how to approach writing it.
> Thanks,
> Frank
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