Hi Roland,

> On Feb 24, 2015, at 5:23 AM, Roland Kuhn <goo...@rkuhn.info> wrote:
> Hi Reid,
> currently I don’t have the bandwidth to fully understand what you are doing,

I appreciate any response at all. Thank you!

> but the numbers you quote here sound suspiciously like the “ping–pong 
> problem”: if your thread pool is too big and messages always hop threads even 
> if they should not, then you will incur the full CPU wake-up latency (which 
> is of the order of 100µs) for each and every message send.

Okay, that seems plausible and it gives me a new area of inquiry to 

> The ping–pong benchmark (with one ping and one pong each) gets roughly 1000x 
> faster by using only one thread for the two actors—and the reason is that 
> these two actors cannot be active concurrently anyway.

I will try configuring my executor with a single thread and see if that makes 
it fly. 

> Another thing I notice: 10,000 repetitions is by far not enough to benchmark 
> anything on the JVM. Proper inlining and optimizations require a lot more 
> than that.

That’s good to know. I can certainly try this with a million or more. 

> The other question is how much overhead your way of tracing introduces, 
> because generating a log message per Actor message send will obviously double 
> the message-sending overhead.

Also a good point. I’ll repeat my experiments without that overhead.

> Regards,
> Roland

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