Hi, Tim,

Thanks for making this library available. I noticed the dependency on your 
scoped-fixtures library. Is that something that you plan on open sourcing 
as well?



On Sunday, May 10, 2015 at 11:23:50 PM UTC-5, Tim Harper wrote:
> I have developed a high-level library for efficiently setting up 
> resilient, fault-tolerant RabbitMQ consumers using Akka and Akka Reactive 
> Streams. 
> Some of the features:
> - Recovery:
>     - Consumers automatically reconnect and subscribe if the connection is 
> lost
>     - Messages published can optionally 
> - Integration
>     - Connection settings pulled from Typesafe config library
>     - Asyncronous, concurrent consumption using Scala native Futures or 
> the new Akka Streams project.
>     - Common pattern for serialization allows easy integration with 
> serialization libraries such play-json or json4s
>     - Common pattern for exception handling to publish errors to Airbrake, 
> Syslog, or all of the above
> - Modular
>     - Composition favored over inheritance enabling flexible and high code 
> reuse.
> - Modeled
>     - Queue binding, exchange binding modeled with case classes
>     - Publishing mechansims also modeled
> - Reliability
>     - Builds on the excellent [Akka RabbitMQ client](
> https://github.com/thenewmotion/akka-rabbitmq) library for easy recovery.
>     - Built-in consumer error recovery strategy in which messages are 
> re-delivered to the message queue and retried (not implemented for 
> akka-streams integration as retry mechanism affects message order)
>     - With a single message, pause all consumers if service health check 
> fails (IE: database unavailable); easily resume the same.
> - Graceful shutdown
>     - Consumers and streams can immediately unsubscribe, but stay alive 
> long enough to wait for any messages to finish being processed.
> - Tested
>     - Extensive integration tests
> The source is available here: https://github.com/SpinGo/op-rabbit
> We have been using the library internally at SpinGo for a year and I am 
> working towards a 1.0.0 release candidate. We're using the streaming 
> integration as the foundation for a billing system which is heavily based 
> on reliable message-order, and at-least-once-delivery guarantees. I'm 
> rather excited to share it with the world, and would be grateful for 
> feedback. I plan on creating an Activator project to help people learn the 
> library quickly.
> Some examples are on the github page. More examples can be found in the 
> tests.
> Feedback, is of course, appreciated.
> Tim

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