On Monday, 12 October 2015 10:03:06 UTC-7, Julian Howarth wrote:
> Have you looked at reactive-kafka: 
> https://github.com/softwaremill/reactive-kafka ?

I have looked at reactive-kaka and am following some discussions on Gitter 
on the subject.

> We use the method documented in the Manual Commit section of that page 
> which works well for us. Basically, it automatically commits some 
> configurable period of time after your processing of the message is 
> complete. So as long as your handling of the incoming messages is 
> idempotent, you can never lose messages.

Can you elaborate how that works exactly? My main question is this: an Akka 
Stream flow does message processing in parallel. So what can happen is that 
the Kafka consumer has read two messages and both of them are still in some 
flow and have *not* reached the sink (= the Kafka writer who writes to an 
output topic) yet. Suppose the auto-commit happens now and we crash. In 
this case, I will have lost two messages. Correct?

If so, then auto-commit doesn't work. So we need to commit messages *after* 
been written out.

Looking at reactive-kafka, I think they use approach two from my original 

val consumerWithOffsetSink = 
  .map(processMessage(_)) // your message processing
  .to(consumerWithOffsetSink.offsetCommitSink) // stream back for commit

You'd write your message out in processMessage.

– Kaspar

> HTH,
> Julian
> On Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 11:55:21 PM UTC+1, hbf wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I using Akka streams to read (= consume) messages from a Kafka tropic, 
>> transform them, and write them to another Kafka topic. I am looking for a 
>> way to commit the consumer offset of a message after it was written.
>> Example: if I've read message *m*, I'd like to first process it and 
>> write it out to the destination topic. Only then do I want to tell Kafka 
>> "ok, I've read *m; *if i crash and restart, position me after *m*, 
>> please!"
>> Here are a few ways to realize this:
>>    - Make the writer a Sink and give it knowledge about the consumer so 
>>    it can commit the latter's offset after writing. Not nice: the sink 
>>    shouldn't have to know about a consumer.
>>    - Make the writer a Flow that as a side effect writes to Kafka. Then 
>>    connect this flow to a CommitSink that commits the offsets. That doesn't 
>>    sound nice either, as conceptually, both are sinks.
>> Any suggestions how to do this in The Akka Streams Way®?
>> Thanks,
>> K

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