That sounds serious. Please create an issue
<>, and we can continue the
investigation there.
Thanks for reporting.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Marcin Sośnicki <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have done some deeper digging into that and it seems that the issue is
> not the Terminated message not being received. The sharded actor keeps
> running on both nodes of the cluster!
> The shard region correctly resolves where to send message so it's hard to
> spot this as long as you're using only ShardRegion to communicate with it
> (in that case it will just sit idle on the node that it was supposed to be
> removed from).
> In other case, when you rely on things like DeathWatch for example, it
> won't work as  expected as the actor is still alive.
> It looks that the issue lies with the Remember Entities feature that was
> added in 2.4.
> Depending on that setting, either Shard class (persistent-entities=off) or
> PersistentShard (persistent-entities=on)  is used.
> In a ShardRegion class there are
> var shards = Map.empty[ShardId, ActorRef]
> var shardsByRef = Map.empty[ActorRef, ShardId]
> properties.
> I assume that there are two of them, just to enable faster lookup,
> depending whether you're using ShardId or ActorRef as a key. But I also
> assume that they should be consistent (and they're not).
> What happens in the scenario when the bug manifests (using remember
> entities=on and therefore PersistentShard class) is that shards map
> property is updated only after Persistent Actor recovery.
> case ShardInitialized(shardId)               ⇒ initializeShard(shardId,
> sender())
> This introduces a gap where our state is not consistent, shardsRef holds
> some entries that shards does not, and some decisions are made based on
> that inconsistent state.
> For example the sharded actors might not get stopped, when the recovery is
> not finished yet (but the actor is already started so it'll be up
> eventually).
>     case msg @ HandOff(shard) ⇒
>       log.debug("HandOff shard [{}]", shard)
>       if (shardBuffers.contains(shard)) {
>         shardBuffers -= shard
>         loggedFullBufferWarning = false
>       }
>       if (shards.contains(shard)) {
>         handingOff += shards(shard)
>         shards(shard) forward msg
>       } else
>         sender() ! ShardStopped(shard)
> Is there a reason why shards and shardsByRef are not updated atomically?
> For example, the getShard method only updates the shardsByRef property,
> whereas it seems natural to update the shards property in that place as
> well (as opposed to updating shards property only after the recovery is
> completed).
> I hope that my post is not too confusing, it's easier to show the problem
> directly in the code rather than posting just some fragments in a post.
> Thanks a lot,
> Marcin
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Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw

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