Hi Roland and Martin, as a long time happy user of Akka Persistence I have
for my recent set of projects started looking more and more at Martin's
work on Eventuate and I really like what I see. The extension towards
supporting the AP use case as well as the CP use case looks really useful.
A unification of Akka Persistence and Eventuate that would make it possible
to build actor based systems where some persistence actors supports CP
while others supports CP, all using the same framework (within a single
harmonized API etc) sounds fantastic. So +1 on the combining of efforts


On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 3:36 PM, 'Martin Krasser' via Akka User List <
akka-user@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Hi Roland,
> a few clarifications/additions inline ...
> On 31.01.16 10:17, Roland Kuhn wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> unfortunately it is impossible to make this “just work”—not least because
> you would first have to define what that means. Volker mentioned Eventuate
> as a possible solution, but this also is not something that “just works”,
> it requires your events to be structured such that your defined state
> update functions have all the right properties to make it work.
> The features and the guarantees provided by Eventuate actually do *not*
> depend on the structure of events. Eventuate provides means to distinguish
> causally related from concurrent events and it is just the responsibility
> of the application to ensure that derived state does not depend on the
> order of concurrent events. Causally related events are always delivered in
> the same causal order at all locations (datacenters, for example). Relaxing
> strict order to causal order is what gives you availability and
> partition-tolerance in multi-datacenter setups.
> Imagine there being two copies of yourself running around and doing
> things: it would not be enough for one to tell the other what it has done,
> there can be real conflicts that arise from these independent actions (like
> one of your selves telling your wife that you love her and shortly
> thereafter—without having caught up to that point yet—the other files for
> divorce). The key here is coordination, without that certain actions cannot
> be taken. And coordination can be impossible, e.g. due to network
> partitions, which means that you’ll have to decide whether to be cautious
> or reckless.
> Coordination is just an option. If you want to *prevent* concflicts (you
> called it being "cautious"), only then you need coordination. Here you give
> up availability in favor of consistency. The other option is to *allow*
> conflicts, and resolve them later. This does not require coordination but
> rather means to track, detect and resolve conflicts. With this option,
> replicas at different datacenters remain writeable, even if they are
> partitioned from others (you called that being "reckless"). However, you
> "apologize" for being "reckless" with conflict resolution :-) A great
> introductory read on this is Pat Helland's paper Building on Quicksand
> <http://db.cs.berkeley.edu/cs286/papers/quicksand-cidr2009.pdf>. With
> that second option, you choose availability over (strong) consistency.
> The second option is not only relevant for multi-datacenter replication
> but also more generally for collaboration between (micro)services where you
> usually don't want to couple the availability of one service to that of
> others. The price for that is that applications must be able to deal with
> conflicts, rather than trying to prevent them. A consistent approach for
> that is often missing in distributed applications and often solved with
> error-prone ad-hoc solutions. Eventuate tries to change that by not only
> providing APIs to track, detect, and resolve conflicts in an automated or
> interactive way but also by providing an infrastructure where distributed
> services can communicate via events in a causally consistent and reliable
> way. The underlying event logs give you the following guarantees:
> - the order of events in a local event log is consistent with causal order
> i.e. consumers will never see an effect before its cause.
> - event replication across different locations is reliable and idempotent
> i.e. consumers will never see duplicates when reading from a local log.
> Compare this to plain at-least-once based messaging between persistent
> actors or services (in different datacenters, for example) where you cannot
> make assumptions on message ordering and duplicates. It usually makes
> writing correct business logic much harder. Furthermore, if you want to
> decouple a service from the availability of others you are again faced with
> the problem of detecting and resolving conflicts. I should mention here
> that rejecting commands != being available :-). As soon as distributed
> services/applications shall become more resilient to network partitions,
> you'll anyway have to deal with many of the issues that Eventuate is
> already adressing.
> Eventuate meanwhile emerged from a proof-of-concept in early 2015 to a
> production ready toolkit for building (globally) distributed,
> service-oriented CQRS/ES applications. As Eventuate is also almost a
> functional superset of akka-persistence, I wonder if combining efforts
> would make sense. Please let me know if this sounds interesting to you.
> Regards,
> Martin
> So, you can use Akka Persistence with the same store in different
> locations, but you’ll have to make sure that you don’t emit events to the
> same log from different places—there can only be one running source of
> truth for each persistenceId at any given time.
> Regards,
> Roland
> 22 jan 2016 kl. 14:52 skrev Paul Cleary < <pclear...@gmail.com>
> pclear...@gmail.com>:
> Will Akka Persistence work if you have two different clusters pointing to
> the same data store?
> Imagine I have 2 data centers that point at the same database.
> If I have updates happening in both data centers at the same time, will
> akka persistence stomp all over the journal / snapshots?
> I know that akka persistence has sequence numbers, and I am not sure how
> those are managed.
> It would be great if this just worked, but I am thinking I need to
> implement my own persistence plugin and / or persistence layer in my app to
> make sure that there are no collisions.
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> *Dr. Roland Kuhn*
> *Akka Tech Lead*
> Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> – Reactive apps on the JVM.
> twitter: @rolandkuhn
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> Martin Krasser
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> twitter: http://twitter.com/mrt1nz
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