I'm having a couple of problems understanding the Streams documentation, 
 in particular, the Overview of built-in stages 

My objective is to build, using the GraphDSL, a flow that uses, among 
others, a Source.actorRef

Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b =>

      import GraphDSL.Implicits._

      val src = b.add(Source.actorRef[Any](bufferSize, OverflowStrategy.fail
).mapMaterializedValue(workerSupervisor ! SetWorkRecipient(_)))


I've used Source.actorRef[Any]because my workerSupervisor (the actor that 
provides the messages for the source) wants to return a result of type 

However, the documentation says that this stage completes when it receives 

So if I use Source.actorRef[WorkResult] I run into trouble once the work is 
complete and the  worker wants to signal success, because, of course, the 
success message is of the wrong type.

How can I work around this? I need my stream to emit WorkResult, not Any ; 
It's not clear from the documentation how to achieve it.

Also, the documentation lists the following stages (for example)

broadcast, which I add as b.add(Broadcast[T](2)) for example.


map & collect, which can't be added in the same way (i.e. no b.add(Map[T]))

yet there is no notation in the documentation that suggests that these 
stages might be different or used differently.  My thought was to convert 
the Any  from the Source.actorRef using collect, yet, I'm struggling with 
doing that.

So my 2nd question is, how do I apply map or collect to the output of a 
Broadcast[T] within the context of a GraphDSL and provide the mapped output 
as part of the resulting FlowShape?

Would you kindly show an example using GraphDSL?

Thank you!

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