
I'm testing akka-http and I try to measure how many concurrent connections 
it can handle on my company's Linux VM (x86_64, 4 CPU).
I use the simple http server implementation provided in the akka-http 
documentation which you can find in the following github project created 
for illustrating this ticket: https://github.com/jycr/simple-akka-http

Using ApacheBench to stress the application (with option -c 2000), I 
measure that the server can't handle more than around 1000 requests per 
Without success I changed the following to try to go over this limit:

   - updated the Linux settings to allow more than 4000 TCP concurrent 
   connections (ulimit -n, sysctl net.core.somaxconn, ifconfig txqueuelen, 
   sysctl net.core.netdev_max_backlog, sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog)
   - set akka.http.server.max-connections to 2048
I used YourKit to monitor the app and I could see the number of open 
sockets didn't go over the limit of 1200 open sockets per second. This 
makes me think the problem could be located in akka-io or in some kind of 
back-pressure feature which tell the underlying nio.Selector not to accept 
too many connections at once.

What am I missing here ? 

Thanks for your help

Attached a screenshot of YourKit showing the socket metrics


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